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423 lines (266 loc) · 17.7 KB

Exercise 04: Build a User Interface using SAP UI5 for booking space tickets

Estimated time

30 minutes


In this exercise, we will build a User Interface based on SAP UI5 so that users can create a booking from the UI of our app.

This exercise is structured into two parts:

Part A: Import, build and deploy the project into SAP Web IDE

In this part, we will import the locally developed code of exercise 1 to 3 into SAP Web IDE. The database and service components will be deployed to Cloud Foundry.

  1. Launch the SAP Web IDE from the Cloud cockpit. You will be prompted to login, provide your credentials (Email and Password).

Log on

  1. Choose File -> Git -> Clone Repository.


  1. Enter the repository URL that you noted down in exercise 3 part B's step 7.

Your URL should look like:, where XXX is your trial user number.


  1. You will be asked to enter the credentials once again. Enter the credentials (email and password). The authentication in step 1 is for the SAP WebIDE access, and here in this step it authorizes access to the git repository.


  1. Now we will be able to see the code that was cloned into our SAP Web IDE workspace.


  1. Right click on your project, choose Project and then click on Project Settings.

Project Settings

  1. Choose the Cloud Foundry tab and from the list of dropdown options choose the url,

Cloud Foundry URL

  1. You will be prompted to login. Enter your Cloud Foundry log on credentials (same email and password).

Cloud Foundry Org Space

The organization and space will be automatically be populated as shown. Click on Save.

Cloud Foundry Org Space

If the Builder is not installed in your cf space, please install it by clicking on the button Install Builder

  1. Open package.json file from the root folder, <git_repo_name>/package.json, and remove the highlighted lines shown below. These are lines specific to SQLite database that was used locally. As we deploy the database artifacts into SAP HANA, these lines must be removed. Also, change the value of the property cds.requires.db.kind from sqlite to hana, as shown.


  1. Open the file db/src/.hdiconfig and change the first property plugin_version from to Move the folder containing the csv files from db/csv to db/src/csv by Cut and Paste option from the Edit context menu.

Now right click on the db folder of the project and click on Build as shown. This takes roughly about a minute.

Build CDS

  1. The log output can be seen in the console as below.

Deploy to HANA

  1. In order to view the created database tables, we enable SAP HANA Database Explorer on SAP Web IDE. To do this goto Tools menu on the top -> choose Preferences -> click Features in the left tabs -> enter hana database in the search field -> Switch ON the SAP HANA Database Explorer as shown and click Save.

DB Explorer

  1. The screen will prompt to Refresh. Click Refresh.


  1. After the reload we will have the aditional database explorer tab on the left(highlighted in the screenshot). Click on this tab and the Database Explorer Connectivity popup can be seen as below:

DB Explorer tab

  1. Click Connect button in the above image and add a HDI database container. If you are using this tab for the first time, you will have a popup as below. Click Yes:

Add DB

Else Choose the + button shown below to add a database:

Add DB

  1. Click on the HDI Container with the name of your project and the organization TechEd2018_CNA375-TechEd and click OK.

Add DB

  1. Click on Tables and then on any table to see the database columns:

Add DB

  1. Click on Open Data button to see the table contents:

Database table with content

  1. Switch to the Development tab of Web IDE and right click on mta.yml file from the root folder and click Open MTA Editor.


Click on srv tab and then scroll down to Requires section and click on cloud-sample-spaceflight-node-uaa(resource). Then press the delete button as shown and save the file.


  1. Right click the srv folder and choose Build and then click Build again.

Build Service

The log output can be seen in the console as below.

Deploy to HANA

Include the following lines to the srv/package.json file. Note that this package.json file resides inside the srv folder.

  "cds": {
    "data": {
          "driver": "hana",
          "hana": {
                "tag": "hana"

This file now looks as shown below with the added lines highlighted:

srv package.json

  1. Right click the srv folder and choose Run and then choose Run as Node.js Application. This takes a couple of seconds as it deploys the service to cloud foundry.

Run Service

The running Node.js application can be seen here. Note down this URL to be used in the next step.

Running Service

On clicking the URL above we can see the service information.

Running Service

Click on the /booking service to access the XML metadata information of the oData service exposed. In addition the URL now is changed to http://<service_URL>/booking/$metadata

Running Service

Change the $metadata part of the URL to something meaningful from our exposed service such as Planets to see the JSON response:

JSON response

  1. Goto SAP Cloud Platform destinations to create a destination. Press New Destination

New Destination

Provide the Name as cna375-xxx, where xxx is the number provided for you by the session instructors. Provide URL as the one noted from the last step along with the path /booking as shown in the screenshot. Click on New Property button twice to include the two properties WebIDEEnabled and WebIDEUsage with values true and odata_gen respectively.

Leave the rest of the populated fields as it is and click Save.

SAPCP Destination

Congratulations, we successfully imported and built our data model and node service in part A of this exercise.

Part B: Build the User Interface using SAP Web IDE

  1. Right click our project and choose New and then HTML5 Module.

html5 module

  1. Choose the SAPUI5 Application template.

SAP UI5 Template

  1. Enter Module Name as ui and Namespace as


  1. Give the View Name as App and click on Finish.

App View

  1. The UI module code is generated. Expand the ui folder and then webapp folder. Within view and controller folders you can see two generated files: App.view.xml and App.controller.js

UI code structure

  1. Open the manifest.json file present in the webapp folder under ui. Click on Descriptor Editor below and then choose the DataSources sub-tab above. Click the + button to add a data-source.

Manifest Data Source

  1. Choose Service URL from the tabs on the left. In the dropdown menu, select the destination that you created in the last step of part A of this exercise. Note that destinations created by all participants appear in the dropdown menu. In case your destination does not appear here, you may have to refresh the SAP Web IDE.

Under relative path enter / and click on Test. Once the test is successful the button gets disabled. The service is now selected and click on Next.

Service URL

  1. Leave the selection as Use default model and click Next.

Default Model

  1. Click Finish. Save the manifest.json file.

Adding data source

Now go the the raw form of the manifest.json with clicking on CodeEditor at the bottom:

Code Editor

Navigate to top-level property sap.ui5 (around row number 68) and then to the property models. Replace the value of the groupId setting to "$auto" and add a new setting "autoExpandSelect" : true. Both together look like this:

	"groupId": "$auto",
	"autoExpandSelect" : true


  1. Under view folder, replace the code in App.view.xml with the below code:
<mvc:View controllerName="" xmlns:html="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m">
		<mvc:XMLView viewName=""/>
		<mvc:XMLView viewName=""/>

This declares two XML Views: ListBookings and CreateBooking. We will create them in the next steps.

  1. Right click on the view folder and choose new -> SAPUI5 view.


  1. Give the name as CreateBooking, click on Next and then Finish. Repeat step 11 to create another SAPUI5 view and this time give the name of the view as ListBookings.

Create Booking view


  1. Note that 2 additional files for CreateBooking and ListBookings are added under view and controller folders for each respectively.

Views structure

  1. Right click on the ListBookings.view.xml file and choose Open Layout Editor.

Open layout editor

This will open the modeling pane for the view as shown:

Layout editor

Click on the highlighted blue XML Page to view the Page properties. Provide a Title such as Space Itineraries Company for the page title property on the right side. Page Title

  1. In the Search for control field enter the value list and drag and drop the List control on the view.

List control

  1. Select the list item on the view, by clicking on the List Item 1 object and verify that it is selected by checking that the control chain contains Standard List Item:

Select List Item

On the right side panel, click on the entity set button and choose the OData service that was added in steps 6 to 9.

Select entity set

Select the option Define entity set and set the selected control as template. For the field Entity Set select the value /Bookings from the drop-down. Click the OK button to save the configuration.


Adapt the property Title by clicking on the Bind this property button on the right side of the property.

Change title

A window with all the data fields and a text area appear to customize the title. Compose a value such as: {CustomerName} travels from {Itinerary/Name}. Double click the data fields to use them as a part of the text.

Change title 2

Repeat the same process for the property Description. Enter the value Booking number {BookingNo} on {DateOfTravel}.

Change Description

Change Description

And lastly, change the type of the list item from the properties pane to Inactive and save the file.

Change Type

  1. Now we will add a Refresh button. Search for the control Button in the list on the left-hand side of the pane and drag and drop it to the upper right corner of the view:

Add Button

Let's move to the properties of the button. First, change the text of it to Refresh and move to the Events for our button:

Button Props

Add behaviour for the Press event with choosing the option New function:

New Function

In the dialog enter for the function name the value onRefresh and click OK:

New Function Name

Now open the menu for the Press event once again and choose Open in Editor:

Open In Editor

This will open the ListBookings.controller.js with a focus on the newly created onRefresh function. We will add the actual refresh logic and the function should look like this:

onRefresh: function (oEvent) {
  1. Let us move on to the second view CreateBooking. Open the CreateBooking.view.xml file by double-clicking on it in the file structure. Replace the content with the code snippet below:
<mvc:View controllerName="" xmlns:html=""
	xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:semantic="sap.m.semantic" xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form"
			<Page id="page" title="{i18n>AppTitle}">
				<f:SimpleForm id="form" editable="true" layout="ResponsiveGridLayout" title="{i18n>createBookingPanelTitle}" labelSpanXL="4" labelSpanL="3"
					labelSpanM="4" labelSpanS="12" adjustLabelSpan="false" emptySpanXL="0" emptySpanL="4" emptySpanM="0" emptySpanS="0" columnsXL="2"
					columnsL="1" columnsM="1">
						<Label text="Name" labelFor="customerNameInput"/>
						<Input id="customerNameInput" value="{CustomerName}"/>
						<Label text="Email" labelFor="emailInput"/>
						<Input id="emailInput" value="{EmailAddress}"/>
						<Label text="Choose a journey" labelFor="selectedItineraryId"/>
						<Select id="selectedItineraryId" items="{/Itineraries}" selectedKey="{Itinerary_ID}">
							<core:ListItem key="{ID}" text="{Name}"/>
						<Label text="Date of travel" labelFor="dateOfTravel"/>
						<DatePicker id="dateOfTravel"
							value="{ path: 'DateOfTravel', type:'sap.ui.model.type.Date', formatOptions: { style: 'medium', stringParsing: true }}"/>
						<Label text="Number of passengers" labelFor="numPassengers"/>
						<Input id="numPassengers" value="{NumberOfPassengers}"/>
						<Label text="Credit card number" labelFor="creditCard"/>
						<Input id="creditCard" value="{PaymentInfo_CardNumber}"/>
						<Button text="{i18n>bookButtonText}" press="onBook" width="15%"/>
  1. Open the CreateBooking.controller.js file under controller folder and replace the contents with the following code snippet and save the file:
], function (Controller, MessageToast) {
	"use strict";

	return Controller.extend("", {
		_createNewEntity: function (oView, isOnInit) {
			var oModel = isOnInit ? this.getOwnerComponent().getModel() : oView.getModel(),
				oListBinding = oModel.bindList("/Bookings", undefined, undefined, undefined, {
					$$updateGroupId: "updateGroup"

			var oContext = oListBinding.create({
				BookingNo: (Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 10) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 10)).toUpperCase(),
				CustomerName: "",
				EmailAddress: "",
				DateOfTravel: new Date().toJSON(),
				Cost: Math.floor((Math.random() * (3000 - 1000) + 1000)).toString(),
				NumberOfPassengers: 0,
				Itinerary_ID: "",
				PaymentInfo_CardNumber: ""
		onInit: function () {
			this._createNewEntity(this.getView(), true);

		onBook: function () {
			var that = this,
				oView = this.getView(),
				oModel = oView.getModel();

			oView.getBindingContext().created().then(function () {"Booking created");
				that._createNewEntity(oView, false);
  1. Under i18n folder, replace the contents in file with the following values and save the file:
createBookingPanelTitle=Create a booking
AppTitle=Space Itineraries Company
  1. Now right click the ui folder and Run as a Web Application.

Run UI

  1. Now bookings can be viewed and created from the UI. Note that initially the bookings list may be empty as there are no bookings created yet.

Web UI

Web UI

Congratulations. We just built a UI for our Space travel bookings app. In the next exercise we will build and deploy the full-stack application to SAP Cloud Platform.

Click here to continue with Exercise 5.