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area: api 🤖
area: api :robot:
area: ci ⚙️
area: ci :gear:
area: cli 💻
area: cli :computer:
area: docs 📄
area: docs :page_facing_up:
area: gui/tui 🪟
area: gui/tui :window:
Implementation of a graphical interface
area: infra 🌉
area: infra :bridge_at_night:
area: internals 🎰
area: internals :slot_machine:
area: meta 🧠
area: meta :brain:
Dealing with the project itself
area: tests 🩺
area: tests :stethoscope:
Focused on the test suite
area: web requests 🕸️
area: web requests :spider_web:
docs: explanation ☁️
docs: explanation :cloud:
Diátaxis: understanding-oriented
docs: howto 🏗️
docs: howto :building_construction:
Diátaxis: task-oriented
docs: reference 📚
docs: reference :books:
Diátaxis: information-oriented
docs: tutorial 🧑‍🏫
docs: tutorial :teacher:
Diátaxis: learning-oriented
function: convert 🧪
function: convert :test_tube:
function: suggest 🫴
function: suggest 🫴
issue: duplicate ♊
issue: duplicate :gemini:
issue: future ⏳
issue: future :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Planned, but not for a specific release
issue: invalid 🚫
issue: invalid :no_entry_sign:
We can't act on this issue, something's wrong
issue: maybe 🤔
issue: maybe :thinking:
Being considered, but not certain
issue: needs investigation 🔍
issue: needs investigation :mag:
issue: planned ⌚
issue: planned :watch:
Assigned to a specific version's milestone
issue: wontfix ✖️
issue: wontfix :heavy_multiplication_x:
meta: good first issue 👋
meta: good first issue :wave:
meta: help wanted 🙏
meta: help wanted :pray:
meta: yagni 🙅
meta: yagni :no_good:
Will only be considered if folks express interest
pr: do not merge 🛑
pr: do not merge :stop_sign:
pr: draft ✏️
pr: draft :pencil2:
pr: merge ready 👍
pr: merge ready :+1:
pr: needs changelog 📍
pr: needs changelog :round_pushpin: