Hi. I will intensely work with this for the next few weeks (or at least, this is what I highly hope to do if my manager allows the project to continue).
I am a beginner in Vue, like, really nub. I know the basics, I understand the MVC model, the directives and stuff like that. My issue:
Is anybody here available for a couple of hours of chit chat on this subject? I'm seeking for help to understand the following:
How does the Vue receive the data from WordPress - How can I alter this, and how can I add post types and meta fields (from acf, for example) to my Vue?
How can I make components behave based on an external state, or ones state (actually I have a pretty good idea about this but haven't done it yet so I'll just lay it off here)?
How can I make it valid and make sure I don't write shitty code?
There are surely more How to's but I haven't hit them yet.
Even if no response is given to this issue, I am willing to discover those and log them here; for new people that might be using this and find their selves in this situation.
Hopefully it's approved for display,
Kind regards.