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november 2021,

Welcome to the Libft project! 🚀 Dive into the world of C programming by crafting your very own library. In this project, you'll create a collection of powerful functions that will serve as the cornerstone of your coding journey. By implementing and mastering these essential functions, you'll lay a solid foundation for future coding tasks and school assignments. Libft empowers you with the knowledge and control to understand the inner workings of standard functions, enhancing your coding skills and confidence 😎. This project isn't just about creating a library; it's about becoming a more skilled and versatile programmer. Let's embark on this coding adventure together! 🛠️🌟

Function List:

Here's a sneak peek at the functions you'll be creating in Libft, each with a brief definition:

ft_isalpha: Check if a character is alphabetic.

ft_isdigit: Check if a character is a digit.

ft_isalnum: Check if a character is alphanumeric.

ft_isascii: Check if a character is a valid ASCII character.

ft_isprint: Check if a character is printable.

ft_strlen: Calculate the length of a string.

ft_memset: Fill memory with a constant byte.

ft_bzero: Set the first n bytes of memory to zero.

ft_memcpy: Copy memory area.

ft_memmove: Copy memory area with overlapping.

ft_strlcpy: Copy strings with size limit.

ft_strlcat: Concatenate strings with size limit.

ft_toupper: Convert a character to uppercase.

ft_strchr: Locate character in a string.

ft_strrchr: Locate character in a string from the end.

ft_strncmp: Compare two strings up to a specified number of characters.

ft_memchr: Locate byte in memory.

ft_memcmp: Compare memory areas.

ft_strnstr: Locate a substring in a string.

ft_atoi: Convert a string to an integer.

ft_substr: Create a substring of a string.

ft_strjoin: Concatenate two strings.

ft_strtrim: Trim specified characters from the beginning and end of a string.

ft_split: Split a string into an array of substrings.

ft_itoa: Convert an integer to a string.

ft_strmapi: Apply a function to each character in a string.

ft_striteri: Apply a function to each character in a string with index.

ft_putchar_fd: Output a character to a file descriptor.

ft_putstr_fd: Output a string to a file descriptor.

ft_putendl_fd: Output a string followed by a newline to a file descriptor.

ft_putnbr_fd: Output an integer to a file descriptor.

ft_lstnew: Create a new linked list node.

ft_lstadd_front: Add a node to the front of a linked list.

ft_lstsize: Count the number of nodes in a linked list.

ft_lstlast: Get the last node of a linked list.

ft_lstadd_back: Add a node to the end of a linked list.

ft_lstdelone: Delete a node from a linked list.

ft_lstclear: Clear and delete all nodes from a linked list.

ft_lstiter: Apply a function to each node in a linked list.

ft_lstmap: Create a new linked list by applying a function to each node in an existing list.


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