As always, you can try KataScript in your browser:
KataScript now has structs!
struct person {
var name;
var age;
var hobby;
func person(n, a, h) {
name = n;
age = a;
hobby = h;
func wouldLike(other) {
return hobby == other.hobby;
func greet() {
print("Hey I'm " + name + ", age " + age + ", and my hobby is " + hobby);
The other big new feature is dot syntax for functions! What this means is that:
function(var1, var2, var3);
var1.function(var2, var3);
Are now equivalent. What this means is that you can call the standard library free functions as though they were member functions of a non-struct type. This allows you to create free functions with the same name as a struct's member function to create a sort of dynamic template.
struct A {
var x;
func A () {
x = "A";
func getName() {
return x;
struct B {
var x;
func B () {
x = "B";
func getName() {
return x;
func getName(x) {
return string(x);
// prints: A
// prints: B
// prints: tacos
This release also includes minor features like the new toarray()/tolist() for casting to list/array rather than the weird overloading of the array()/list() functions, so now array(), and list() with just one argument will now make a list/array of length one and containing just that one argument.