This is a macOS DriverKit driver implementation including a user interface App.
- Without a port link, the data is sent back to the sender
- With a port link, the data is written from sender 1 to receiver 2 and vice versa
- The client app provide installation, deinstallation and management
A look at this log shows how the driver ticks with the IOUserClient. This picture shows the VSP driver in action.
To build this project you have to do:
Install QT5 latest for Intel based macOS from archive
Install QT6 latest for M chip based macOS
Install the QT framework like
- run first to create dependecies to your QT frameworks
- If you want to build for older macOS and open workspace vsp_qt5_x68_64.xcworkspace
- If you want to build for newer macOS and open workspace vsp_qt6_arm64.xcworkspace
You should use your own bundle IDs in targets VSPDriver and VSPClient.
Replace bundle ID "" in the Xcode VSPDriver target and replace bundle ID "" in the Xcode VSPClient target
After that you must replace the Dext bundle ID "" in VSPClient.entitlements file.
Change the the bundle ID in "VSPClientUI/vscmainwindow.cpp" in method "createVspController()".
Turning off SIP is only possible in the Recovery OS. To do this for your hardware, follow the instructions in Apple's documentation.
In the Recovery OS, open the terminal window from the main menu and enter following command:
$> csrutil disable
$> csrutil disable
$> csrutil clear
$> sudo nvram boot-args="dk=0x8001"
$> sudo nvram -d boot-args
$> systemextensionsctl developer on
$> systemextensionsctl developer off
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Thank you very much.