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Brioche VSCode

Brioche is a delicious package manager, and this extension provides official VS Code integration. Currently still in an early work-in-progress state (use the "Brioche LSP: Restart LSP Server" command or click the status bar Brioche LSP item to restart if things go haywire)

Note: Requires the brioche CLI tool to be installed locally


  • Brioche TypeScript (.bri) syntax highlighting
  • LSP support for Brioche TypeScript (.bri) files, provided by the brioche CLI command
  • Build support with progress notification and detailed output panel
  • Icon support for Brioche files
  • Status bar item to show the Brioche LSP server status (click to restart)
  • Validates Brioche is installed and in PATH


  • brioche-vscode.restartLsp: Manually restart the Brioche LSP server
  • brioche-vscode.runBriocheBuild: Run Brioche build for the current project

Configuration Settings

  • brioche.binaryPath: Path to the Brioche binary. Leave empty to use Brioche from PATH.
  • brioche.envVars: Extra environment variables to set when calling the Brioche LSP server
  • brioche.log.level: Log level for the Brioche language server. Options: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace.

Installing from source

  1. Clone the repo:
  2. Run npm install to install NPM dependencies
  3. Run npm run package. This will build the file brioche-vscode-{version}.vsix in the repo root
  4. Open the VS Code Command Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P) and type "Extensions: Install from VSIX..."
  5. Navigate to the path of the repo and select the brioche-vscode-{version}.vsix file

Debugging from source

  1. Open the repo from VS Code
  2. Press F5 to launch the extension