An intuitive and concise library for inserting Eligible data into your iOS project.
The following block will pull eligible data, and asnychronously execute your code when it's finished:
[BSEligibleKit getDataFor:@"service/all" withParams:formData success:^(NSDictionary *data) {
//Do things!
label.text = [data objectForKey:@"coverage_status"];
failure:^(NSError *error) {
label.text = [error localizedDescription];
If you haven't already: sign up for an account at
Clone the project into your app directory: (use --recursive to include dependencies)
git clone --recursive
Then drag the BSEligibleKit folder into your XCode project.
in your AppDelegate.m file add:
#import "BSEligibleKit.h"
Get your API_KEY, and have it ready for the next step:
Add the following into your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method like so:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[BSEligibleKit getEligible:YOUR_ELIGIBLE_API_KEY_HERE];
return YES;
Put your query data into a dictionary:
NSMutableDictionary *formData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[formData setObject:self.payerName.text forKey:@"payer_name"];
[formData setObject:self.payerId.text forKey:@"payer_id"];
[formData setObject:self.serviceProviderFirstName.text forKey:@"service_provider_first_name"];
[formData setObject:self.serviceProviderLastName.text forKey:@"service_provider_last_name"];
[formData setObject:self.serviceProviderNPI.text forKey:@"service_provider_npi"];
[formData setObject:self.subscriberID.text forKey:@"subscriber_id"];
[formData setObject:self.subscriberFirstName.text forKey:@"subscriber_first_name"];
[formData setObject:self.subscriberLastName.text forKey:@"subscriber_last_name"];
[formData setObject:self.subscriberDOB.text forKey:@"subscriber_dob"];
[formData setObject:@"42" forKey:@"service_type_code"];
Now find your query (like service/all
in the Eligible Docs and insert it after getDataFor:
in the following code:
[BSEligibleKit getDataFor:@"service/all" withParams:formData success:^(NSDictionary *data) {
if (![data objectForKey:@"error"]) {
//Your data is available here
self.label.text = [recentCheck objectForKey:@"coverage_status"];
//You did it, you're now getting eligiblity data on iOS!
else {
//Tell the user to check their data
self.notificationLabel.text = [[data objectForKey:@"error"] objectForKey:@"follow-up_action_description"];
failure:^(NSError *error) {
self.label.text = [error localizedDescription];
Congratulations! you are now receiving eligiblity data on iOS.
Your eligibility data is rendered into an NSDictionary that you can use in your app:
self.label.text = [recentCheck objectForKey:@"coverage_status"];
There's even a convenience singleton array that you can use to access your recent queries:
NSDictionary *recentCheck = [[BSEligibleKit sharedInstance].previousQueries objectAtIndex:0];