Develop, test and deploy Solidity contracts based on OpenZeppelin. Use Hardhat development environment. Deploy to Polygon.
Use as a starter template for new Solidity projects.
Initially based on the OpenZeppelin Learn tutorial.
Tested with Node v16.15 (LTS).
- additional testing features
- run tests locally (via
npm test
) - use Chai matchers from Waffle (instead of OpenZeppelin Test Helpers)
- includes Github Action to run tests
- run tests locally (via
- solhint linter config (and then install plugin for your editor that supports solhint syntax highlighting)
- format files with Prettier (
npm run style
) - configuration to deploy to Polygon Mumbai test network
- turn on Solidity optimization (1000 means optimize for more high-frequency usage of contract). Compiler Options
- add hardhat-etherscan for verifying contracts on PolygonScan (or Etherscan), which means uploading the source code so it's available for contract users to view/verify. For more info see hardhat-etherscan plugin.
- copy
- add your Ethereum node RPC URL, for example a url from Alchemy or another Ethereum node services.
- add your wallet account's private key used for deploying, for example an account created via MetaMask.
- to verify contract in a later step, create and add your ETHERSCAN_API_KEY by grabbing your key at
- ensure your wallet account has some MATIC via
- deploy via
npx hardhat run --network mumbai scripts/deploy.js
- grab the resulting contract address that you just deployed, let's call that
- optionally, test manually via console -- see Playing with Contract below
- upload source code so others can verify it on-chain via
npx hardhat verify --network mumbai NEW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HERE
- view contract (and/or call methods directly) in Polygonscan, just look up
Use same instructions above for Polygon Mumbai
testnet but use --network mainnet
command option instead.
Interact with it via the console (npx hardhat console --network mumbai
await ethers.provider.listAccounts(); // you should see your public wallet account (the match for your private key) listed
const Box = await ethers.getContractFactory('Box');
const box = await Box.attach('<contract address goes here>');
// you'll need to wait a bit until value is stored on the blockchain before retrieving in next step
await box.retrieve(); // you'll ultimately see `BigNumber { value: "42" }`
- On Mumbai testnet:
- On Polygon Mainnet: