Come chat in #zodiac
Zodiac is a small web framework for Clojure that provides a reasonable set of defaults while also being easily extensible. Zodiac stands on the shoulders of giants rather than being innovative. At its core Zodiac is mostly just a preconfigured Ring app and not more that a few hundred lines of code.
Zodiac tries to fill a similar niche as the Flask framework with defaults that make it quick to start a new Clojure based web app without being heavy-handed.
What Zodiac includes by default:
- Routing and middleware. We use Reitit
- Request and response handing with Ring.
- A jetty server (though Jetty can be turned off)
- Automatic Hiccup-based HTML rendering using Chassis.
- Websocket support
- File streaming
- Flash messages
- Cookies and secure session handler
- Form and JSON request parsing
- Extensible. Pass a list of functions to extend Zodiac. Override the error handlers.
- Convenience
- Helpers to lookup routes
- Helpers to return hiccup and JSON responses
- A request context
- Variables dynamically bound to the current request, router and session
What Zodiac doesn't do:
- Dictate a file structure with generators or scaffolding.
- No configuration over code
- No path based routing, etc.
- Expect a certain database - (see Zodiac SQL)
- Asset bundling (see Zodiac Assets)
And that's about it. Zodiac is mostly feature complete although you can expect plenty of bug fixes and polish before a 1.0.x release. Additional features like common database setup and asset handling will be done as Zodiac extensions.
(ns myapp
(:require [zodiac.core :as z]))
(defn routes []
;; routes use the reitit route syntax
["/" {:handler (constantly {:status 200
:body "ok"})}])
(z/start {:routes #'routes})
The zodiac.core/start
function takes a single options map with the following keys:
: The route definition using the reitit route syntax:extensions
: A sequence of functions that accept an integrant system configuration map and return a modified integrant system configuration app.:request-context
: A map of values values to add to the::z/context
map in the request map.:cookie-secret
: The secret used to encrypt the cookie:cookie-attrs
: Override the code settings. Defaults to{:http-only true :same-site :lax}
: A map of options to pass to the embedded ring-jetty9-adapter:port
: The port to listen for connections. If the port is also specified in the:jetty
map then this value will be ignored. The default is3000
: A map of types to error handler functions:anti-forgery-whitelist
: A sequence or strings or regular expressions to bypass anti-forgery/csrf checking for matching routes.:reload-per-request?
: Reload the routes on every request. For this to work you will need to pass the var of the routes function, e.g.#'routes
: Print a diff of each request between each middleware.:start-server?
: Set tofalse
to disable the embedded jetty server.
Return a vector from the response handler to automatically convert the vector to an html response.
(ns myapp
(:require [zodiac.core :as z]))
(defn routes []
;; Returns a text/html response with <div>hi</div> for the body.
["/" {:handler (fn [_] [:div "hi"])}])
(z/start {:routes #'routes})
Use the zodiac.core/json-response
function to encode Clojure maps to JSON and return application/json
HTTP responses.
(ns myapp
(:require [zodiac.core :as z]))
(defn routes []
;; Returns an application/json response with {"hello": "world"} for the body.
["/" {:handler (fn [_] (z/json-response {:hello "world"}))}])
(z/start {:routes #'routes})
Zodiac can be extended using a sequence of functions that take an integrant system map and return a modified integrant system map.
(defn service-ext [cfg]
(-> cfg
;; Add a ::service component to the config map
(assoc ::service {:value "hi"})
;; Put an instance of the service in the request context
(assoc-in [::z/middleware :context :service] (ig/ref ::service))))
(defn routes []
;; routes use the reitit route syntax
["/" {:handler (fn [{:keys [::z/context]}]
{:status 200
:body (-> context :service :value)})}])
(z/start {:routes #'routes
:extensions [service-ext]})
- Zodiac Todo App: A very basic todo app build with Zodiac, Zodiac Assets, Zodiac SQL, Sqlite, AlpineJS, Htmx, Tailwind and Vite.
- Websocket example: An example of how to uses websockets with Zodiac
Zodiac Assets: Static asset building and url lookup with Vite.
Zodiac SQL: Helper for connecting to SQL database and running HoneySQL queries.