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brendano257 committed Mar 5, 2019
0 parents commit 892741a
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Showing 2 changed files with 325 additions and 0 deletions.
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions Pysplit Processor/
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Created on Tues Dec 5 08:00:00 2018
@author: BB
This creates the SQLite DB that will be used to track trajectories that have
been created, and ensure the met files needed to create them are stored locally.
It is intended to be run once, prior to running the processor.
By default, it adds all possible 1-H increments from 1/1/2017
through 1/1/2018. See docs for pd.date_range() in pandas to create
other timesteps.
It is currently configured to parse only hrrra files from the database, but a new
function could be substituted for get_hrrra_file_list() if desired.

import os
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from ftplib import FTP

homedir = Path(os.getcwd())
local_hrrr_dir = homedir / 'met/hrrr'
remote_hrrr_dir = r'/archives/hrrr/'

site_dates = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2017', end='1/1/2018', freq= '1H', tz='MST').tz_convert('UTC').tolist()
# matrix of all dates in UTC (for model input) that require trajectories


db_con = sqlite3.connect('pysplit_runs.sqlite') # connect to local DB
db_cur = db_con.cursor()

proceed = input('Do you wish to reset/create the database? This will overwrite any previous work. (y/n) ')

if proceed is 'y':

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS trajectories;
traj_date TEXT,
local BOOLEAN,
remote BOOLEAN,
needed_for_month BOOLEAN
CREATE TABLE trajectories (
traj_date TEXT UNIQUE,
processed BOOLEAN,
attempted BOOLEAN

# 'files' is the table for all met files available remotely
# 'remote' should be all 1
# 'local' are those available locally
# 'needed_for_month' is the subset needed to process the month in question

for date in site_dates:
date = datetime.strftime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # convert to string for DB
db_cur.execute('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO trajectories (traj_date, processed, attempted)
VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )''', ( date, 0, 0) ) # place date and label as un-processed
# file name will be added when it's processed and saved

ftp_con = FTP('') # connect to NOAA's FTP server
ftp_con.login() # login as anonymous and move to correct dir

def get_hrrra_file_list(conn):
This function takes one FTP connection (to the ARL Server) and returns
a list of all the hrrr met files in that connection's cwd
remote_out = []
remote_files = []
for line in remote_out:
if 'hrrra' in line:
remote_files.append(line.split(' ')[-1])
return remote_files

def parse_files_for_dates(met_file_list):
file_dates = []
for file in met_file_list:
met_date = ''.join(file.split('.')[1:3])

return file_dates

remote_met_files = get_hrrra_file_list(ftp_con) # list of all available met files on the server
met_file_dates = parse_files_for_dates(remote_met_files) # list of all available dates from met files on the server

for filename, date in zip(remote_met_files, met_file_dates):
date = datetime.strftime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # convert to string for DB
db_cur.execute('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files (fn, traj_date, local, remote)
VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )''', ( filename, date, 0, 1))
# insert all remote files and their dates
# mark as available remote, not-available local

db_con.commit() # save everything and finish

# Every 1H trajectory run up until this hour is now in pysplit_runs.sqlite,
# and can now be recalled and checked off as the processor goes. A list of
# available met files is also ready for retrieval based on the data needed.
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions Pysplit Processor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
import os
import sqlite3
import datetime as dt
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from ftplib import FTP
from pathlib import Path
import pysplit
import pytz
This should be run after, which configures the database this
will work from.

trajectory_runtime = -12

homedir = Path(os.getcwd())
local_hrrr_dir = homedir / 'met/hrrr'
remote_hrrr_dir = r'/archives/hrrr/'
hysplit_dir = r'C:/hysplit4/working'
out_dir = homedir / 'trajectories'

coords = (40.07,-105.22) # coordinates to be run

altitude = 5 # HYSPLIT defaults to AGL, this is a guess...

def get_ftp_file(fn_local, fn_remote):
Use internal FTP connection and save fn_remote from its CWD to the
local file fn_local, which is usually the same.
ftp_con = FTP('') # connect to NOAA's FTP server
ftp_con.login() # login as anonymous and move to correct dir

with open(fn_local,'wb') as localfile:
ftp_con.retrbinary('RETR ' + fn_remote, localfile.write, 1024)
print(f'{fn_remote} retreived and saved as {fn_local}')


db_con = sqlite3.connect('pysplit_runs.sqlite') # connect to local DB
db_cur = db_con.cursor()

db_cur.execute('SELECT * FROM trajectories WHERE processed = 0 AND attempted = 0') # find all trajectories that haven't been run

def parse_db_trajectories_select(fetched_all):
"""Pulls all information returned by SQL queries for un-processed trajectories"""
ids = [line[0] for line in fetched_all]
dates = [pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime(line[1], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) for line in fetched_all]
processed_status = [line[3] for line in fetched_all]

return (ids, dates, processed_status)

[traj_ids,traj_dates,processed_status] = parse_db_trajectories_select(db_cur.fetchall()) # get list of all un-processed trajectory dates

traj_date_groups = pd.period_range(start = traj_dates[0], end = traj_dates[-1], freq = '1W')
# make a list of all week-long groups in the unprocessed data

for period in traj_date_groups:
print(f'Processing trajectories for the period {period}.')

met_dates_to_process = []

for date in traj_dates:
start = pytz.utc.localize(period.start_time - dt.timedelta(hours=8))
end = pytz.utc.localize(period.end_time + dt.timedelta(hours=8))
# add more than 6 hours on each end to buffer met files

if start <= date < end:

if len(met_dates_to_process) == 0:
print(f'No met files on server found for processing the period {period} so it was skipped.')

met_start_date = met_dates_to_process[0] - dt.timedelta(hours = abs(trajectory_runtime*2)) # buffer met files by 2x the runtime for safety
met_end_date = met_dates_to_process[-1] + dt.timedelta(hours = abs(trajectory_runtime*2))

db_cur.execute('SELECT * FROM files WHERE remote = 1')

def parse_db_files_select(fetched_all):
"""Process the SQL query return for files."""
ids = [line[0] for line in fetched_all]
filenames = [line[1] for line in fetched_all]
dates = [pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime(line[2], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) for line in fetched_all]
local_status = [line[3] for line in fetched_all]
remote_status = [line[4] for line in fetched_all]
needed_for_month = [line[5] for line in fetched_all]

return (ids, filenames, dates, local_status, remote_status, needed_for_month)

[met_ids, filenames, met_dates, local_status, remote_status, needed_for_month] = (
parse_db_files_select(db_cur.fetchall())) # get all file info from db


fns_to_download = []

for filename, date in zip(filenames, met_dates): # create download list of met files needed for this period
if met_start_date <= date <= met_end_date:
# append all file names
# print(fns_to_download)

# local directory cleanup
with os.scandir(local_hrrr_dir) as local_files:
for file in local_files:
if in fns_to_download:
# do nothing locally if file needed; remove from download list
# otherwise, delete local file; it's no longer needed

for filename in fns_to_download:
get_ftp_file(filename, filename) # get and save as same name
# status prints are embedded in get_ftp_file()

db_cur.execute('SELECT id FROM files WHERE fn = ?',(filename,))
ind = db_cur.fetchone()[0] # find filename in local DB, update below if found

if ind is None:
print(f'File {filename} not processed into database correctly.')
db_cur.execute('''UPDATE OR IGNORE files SET (local) = (?)
WHERE id = ?''', (1, ind))
# update db to reflect the file is now available locally

print(f'All files for period {period} retrieved.')

# all met files are now in local_hrrr_dir
# met_dates_to_process is now a list of trajectory-hours to process (in UTC!!!)

def get_hrrra_met_files(traj_date, runtime, met_dir):
Create a list of met files for a trajectory at traj_date with a running time
of runtime.

if runtime < 0: # if a back-trajectory, set end of period to given date
traj_end = traj_date + dt.timedelta(hours = 7)
traj_start = traj_date + dt.timedelta(hours = runtime-7)
traj_start = traj_date - dt.timedelta(hours = 7)
traj_end = traj_date + dt.timedelta(hours = runtime+7)

met_files = []


with os.scandir() as files: # check specifically for hrrr met files
for file in files:
if len('.')) == 4:
datestring = ('.')[1] +'.')[2]).replace('z','')
ts = pd.to_datetime(datestring, format='%Y%m%d%H').tz_localize('UTC')
if (ts >= traj_start) & (ts <= traj_end):


return (met_files, traj_start, traj_end)

for date in met_dates_to_process: # generate trajectories for each date in met_dates_to_process
[met_files, start, end] = get_hrrra_met_files(date, trajectory_runtime, local_hrrr_dir)

print(f'Trajectory for {date} being processed.')
print(f'Met files for {start} to {end}: {met_files}')

[trajname, err] = pysplit.generate_singletraj(f'fc_csu_12hr_',hysplit_dir,out_dir,
date.month,, date.hour,altitude,
# generate_singletraj now returns the generated filename AND if the run failed err = 1 == fail

if err == 0:
# If no error, print and then update DB to reflect it being done
print(f'Trajectory for {date} generated.')

db_cur.execute('SELECT id FROM trajectories WHERE traj_date = ?',
(datetime.strftime(date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),))
ind = db_cur.fetchone()[0]

if ind is None:
print(f'Trajectory for date {date} not found in database.')
db_cur.execute('''UPDATE OR IGNORE trajectories SET (processed, fn, attempted) = (?, ?, ?)
WHERE id = ?''', (1, trajname, 0, ind))
db_con.commit() #add traj name when processed, and commit
# Otherwise, print then set as attempted but not processed in the DB. It can be retried later
print(f'Trajectory for {date} NOT generated due to file moving/Hysplit Error.')

db_cur.execute('SELECT id FROM trajectories WHERE traj_date = ?',
(datetime.strftime(date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),))
ind = db_cur.fetchone()[0]

if ind is None:
print(f'Trajectory for date {date} not processed into database correctly.')
db_cur.execute('''UPDATE OR IGNORE trajectories SET (processed, fn, attempted) = (?, ?, ?)
WHERE id = ?''', (0, None, 1, ind))
db_con.commit() # set as unprocessed and w/o traj name, mark as attempted, commit

print(f'All trajectories (except where error announced) for period {period} have been processed.')

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