Update search engine default for India:
- India (IN)
Brave should be at the top of the drop down list at brave://settings/search
Related: #18331, #23814, and #26181
Test plan
Region set to IN
- Fresh profile
- Default search engine SHOULD be Brave
- Visit brave://settings/searchEngines
- Brave SHOULD be first in the
Default search engines
Region set to anything else (excluding CA / DE / FR / GB / US / AT / ES / MX / BR / AR)
- Fresh profile
- Default will NOT be Brave Search
- Visit brave://settings/searchEngines
- Brave SHOULD be first in the
Default search engines
list - unless you're in a region where Yandex is default (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ). In that case it will be second.