supabase functions serve --no-verify-jwt --env-file .env
ngrok http 53421
set telegram API webhook:<your_bot_token>/setWebhook?url=https://<your_ngrok_domain><your_function_secret>
supabase gen types typescript --local --schema=public > supabase/functions/_shared/database.types.ts
start - Start tracking an event. stop - Stop the currently active event. events - List your events.
supabase link
supabase db push
supabase functions deploy telegram-bot --no-verify-jwt
supabase secrets set --env-file .env
select event_id, user_id, ST_AsText(path) from location_paths;
select event_id, user_id, ST_Length(path::geography) from location_paths;
- duration is interval data type:
with stats as (
SELECT DATE(created_at) as date, event_id, user_id, min(created_at), max(created_at), max(created_at) - min(created_at) as duration
FROM locations
GROUP BY DATE(created_at), event_id, user_id
select date, event_id, user_id,
EXTRACT(HOUR FROM duration) AS hours,
EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM duration) AS minutes,
EXTRACT(SECOND FROM duration) AS seconds,
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM duration) AS epoch -- duration in seconds
from stats;
with stats as (
SELECT DATE(created_at) as date, event_id, user_id, min(created_at), max(created_at), max(created_at) - min(created_at) as duration, ST_Length(ST_MakeLine(location::geometry ORDER BY created_at)::geography) as distance
FROM locations
GROUP BY DATE(created_at), event_id, user_id
select date, event_id, user_id,
(distance / EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM duration)) as meters_per_second,
((distance / EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM duration)) * 3600) / 1000 as kmh
from stats;
# Singapore Sentosa
pmtiles extract singapore_oc.pmtiles --bbox=103.788897,1.195877,103.906314,1.283919