Sample Android app created using ionic 2 and mLab database
- create account on mLab
- on dashboard create new deployment and select AWS(cloud provider), single node, Sandbox and dbname:
and confirm - open database > users and add db user. Remember user + pwd.
- create collection
and insert some test data for example:
"title": "Morning Run",
"note": "1 run at 5 am",
"type": "Jogging"
- fill your apiKey from MLab to
src/app/services/workout.service.ts :15
- install nodeJS, Android Studio with android SDK
- install ionic and cordova
npm install -g ionic cordova
- file structure created - see commit
- get workouts from mlab - see commit
- show detail page (using navParams) - see commit
- add new workout to mlab using
- see commit