- Design: https://www.figma.com/file/QZpdcLvg3Xf1BPy5zwutWF/Eridium
- Deployed App: https://www.eridium.chat/
Eridium is a user-friendly chat application where, once signed up and logged in, users can chat with all users within a channel on a server or directly with a user. Users can also create new channels. The application combines some of the best functionality of Slack and Discord.
- Users can create an account.
- Users can login and logout of their account.
- Users can send messages within a channel allowing all users with access to that channel to see the message.
This project was created and deployed using Heroku apps, uses google domains. JavaScript, node.js (and associated packages), HTML, CSS, React, MongoDB, socket.io, Figma, Dbdiagram.io, and Heroku.
Brandon Norsworthy
Jacob Guiro
Andrew Wilson
Erin Lim
Maryam Guppy