Card Form is a ready made card form layout that can be included in your app making it easy to accept credit and debit cards.
Add the dependency in your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.braintreepayments:card-form:4.2.0'
To use the latest build from the master
branch use:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.braintreepayments:card-form:4.1.1-SNAPSHOT'
Card Form is a LinearLayout that you can add to your layout:
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
To initialize the view and change which fields are required for the user to enter, use the required
field methods and CardForm#setup(AppCompatActivity activity)
CardForm cardForm = (CardForm) findViewById(;
.mobileNumberExplanation("SMS is required on this number")
To access the values in the form, there are getters for each field:
To check if CardForm
is valid call CardForm#isValid()
. To validate each required field
and show the user which fields are incorrect, call CardForm#validate()
To set custom error messages on a field call CardForm#setCardNumberError(String)
on the given field.
Additionally CardForm
has 4 available listeners:
called when the form changes state from valid to invalid or invalid to valid.CardForm#setOnCardFormSubmitListener
called when the form should be submitted.CardForm#setOnFormFieldFocusedListener
called when a field in the form is focused.CardForm#setOnCardTypeChangedListener
called when theCardType
in the form changes.
The card form is compatible with
To use, add the dependency in your build.gradle
dependencies {
api 'io.card:android-sdk:[5.5.0,6.0.0)'
Check if is available for use:
Scan a card:
The card form uses the Android Design Support Library
for styling and floating labels. All card form inputs use the colorAccent
theme attribute, when present,
to set their focused color. For more information on the colorAccent
attribute, see
Using the Material Theme. Additional
styling, such as the error color (textErrorColor
) can be set in your theme and will be picked up
by the card form.
The included sample app has examples with a light theme and dark theme.
Note: Any Activity
using the card form must use a style that is a Theme.AppCompat theme or
descendant (defines
). This is a requirement of
the Android Design Support Library.
If this is a problem in your usage of the card form, please file an issue
and we will look further into workarounds for this.
Card Form is open source and available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.