This repo contains the code used within the paper Zero-Shot Crosslingual Sentence Simplification
For the test data and GeoLino dataset see
There are three steps when using ZEST: Preprocessing, Training, and Predicition.
First, create the vocab file (from English and German), all files should already be split into sentence pieces and ideally they should have the same tokenization (mosses tokenziation/detokenization could be used).
python -train_src X --train_tgt Y --share_vocab True --save_data some_dir/the_vocab
Second, create the training file per task/domain/source_language/target_language. All files should already be split into sentence pieces and ideally they should have the same tokenization (mosses tokenziation/detokenization could be used).
python -train_src data/src-train.txt -train_tgt data/tgt-train.txt -save_data data/demo --src_vocab some_dir/the_vocab --tgt_vocab some_dir/the_vocab
Third, create a json file that lists all of the training files and the source language-task-domain-target language.
"EN-TRANS-COMP-DE": "file_location.train",
"DE-TRANS-COMP-EN": "file_location.train",
"EN-TRANS-COMP-EN": "file_location.train",
"EN-TRANS-SIMP-EN": "file_location.train",
"DE-TRANS-COMP-DE": "file_location.train",
"DE-TRANS-SIMP-DE": "file_location.train",
"EN-LM-COMP-EN": "file_location.train",
"EN-LM-SIMP-EN": "file_location.train",
"DE-LM-COMP-DE": "file_location.train",
"DE-LM-SIMP-DE": "file_location.train",
Being Source language, task+, domain, output language.
To train a model
python -data some_dir\something.json -layers 6 -rnn_size 512 -word_vec_size 512 -transformer_ff 8 -heads 12 -encoder_type transformer -decoder_type transformer -position_encoding -train_steps 250000 -max_generator_batches 2 -dropout 0.1 -batch_size 4096 -batch_type tokens -normalization tokens -accum_count 1 -optim adam -adam_beta2 0.998 -decay_method noam -warmup_steps 8000 -learning_rate 2 -max_grad_norm 0 -param_init 0 -param_init_glorot -label_smoothing 0.1 -valid_steps 1000 -save_checkpoint_steps 1000 --share_embeddings
Where some_dir/data.json is the json file created previously.
python --length_penalty avg --beam_size 30 --replace_unk --dynamic_dict --share_vocab --gpu 0 --model -v --threshold 0 --ctags SIMPLY-SIMPLY-SIMPY-SIMP-DE --batch_size 20 --max_length 128 --src input_file --output output_location