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Annotations ‐ Proposal (Obscene)

Mehmet Kuzulugil edited this page Dec 19, 2023 · 1 revision


This document puts forward a proposed use of annotations in our system. Once we decide on the structure, the requirements document will be updated accordingly.

Revision History

Name Date Reason for Change Version
Annotations Use November 12th, 2023 Initial ideas for how to use annotations 0.0
Using Annotation Services November 15th, 2023 Document revised after some feedback by the instructor 0.1
Marked as Obscene December 19th, 2023  A final design and implementation decision has been made

Comments of essential importance on Version 0.1

  • Use of third party annotation services is imposed

  • Our database should only store annotation links for our objects, not the annotation data itself

Use of Annotations

We will have annotations produced by

  • user entry
  • automatic data definition

Annotations by user entry

User functionality perspective

The system will support users to annotate on activities. Any user shall be able to "annotate on" activities (i.e. needs, resources, actions, events, emergencies) Annotations will be of type:

  • URLs
  • Image/photo uploads
  • Text notes

The user interface will provide a pop-up like functionality so that the user will be able to type and enter the values.

From the user perspective annotating any event will be one step (optionally including URL, image end text note) but the system will store 3 annotation records.

Data perspective

Annotations will persist on the system database in records of: Data fields referencing the system records Resulting annotation in json format string.

Annotations will be stored by their URL to the public service entry

The backend will serve URLs in given structure with json structured annotation content. The URL structure will be <root server address>/Annotation/<system-record-id> eg.

The backend will serve URLs to the related annotation, with API called by object id

The URL structure will be

<root server address>/Annotation/<activitytype>/<system-record-id>


Backend APIs

API functions will be:


Creates annotations for need for given ID, body providing annotation data. (URL, note, image)


Deletes the annotations for the need for given ID.


Deletes the annotation record with given ID (ID is the system _id for the annotation). Will only delete the specific annotation other annotations for the related activity will perceive.


Retreives the annotations for need for given ID (annotation URLs on the public service)


Retreives the annotation with given ID (annotation URLs on the public service)


Updates the annotation with given ID. Body providing the annotation data (The annotation's type should be same as the provided data)

User details

Users and guests shall be able to annotate

Authorized users shall be able to delete the annotations created by themselves.

Users with specific roles shall be able to delete or update the annotations. (Update will change the username of the annotation to the updating user)

Authorized users shall be able to see the annotations.

To be clear: UI functionalities

On the mobile and frontend, all UI about activities should provide "annotate on" and "see annotations" functions.

Annotations should not be embedded in the activity record screens.

This part is discarded for the sake of having a final product on time.

Automatic annotations

For needs and resources, on creation and update of specific fields the system will create automatic annotations for the activity.

Automatic annotations are discarded in 0.1 version of this document.

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