Prepare the second scenario which focuses on the features of logging in, adding a new art item and selling it.
To Do:
- Write about the user and their persona (role).
- Decide on preconditions – if any (such as: the user that has already logged in).
- Finalize and enumerate specific actions to achieve the desired goal (what the user wants to do). Describe
each step until the scenario is completed. - Decide on acceptance criteria (the conditions that describe a successful outcome for the action).
- Prepare the visuals for the steps described above.
- Put together all of the above in the designated wiki page.
Main Steps of the Second Scenario are
- Logging in
- Entering Add Art Item page
- Adding the art item with specifications
- Returning to personal page
- Receiving a notification about an offer
- Accepting the offer
23.03.2022 @12.00