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Practice App: API Endpoints #104



What's up?

Please add the APIs you are responsible for and make a reference to this issue from the specific sub-issue.

To Do

Assignee API API Method API Description
@KarahanS api/v1/artitems GET Return all of the art items in the system
@KarahanS api/v1/artitems POST Create an art item
@KarahanS api/v1/artitems/<id> GET Return an art item with the given ID
@KarahanS api/v1/artitems/users/<id> GET Get all of the art items of the specific user (by id)
@KarahanS api/v1/artitems/users/<username> GET Get all of the art items of the specific user (by username)
@sinemKocoglu api/v1/comments/artitem/<int:id> GET Get all of the comments of the specific art item (by id)
@sinemKocoglu api/v1/comments/artitem/<int:id> POST Post comment for the specific art item (by id)
@sinemKocoglu api/v1/users/<int:id>/comment/<int:commentid> DELETE Delete the comment by commentid posted by the user having id
@BElifb api/searchbytag/<str:tag> GET Get all of the art items with the given tag name.
@KarahanS & @kostanya api/v1/searchbytagkeyword/<str:tag> GET Get all of the art items with the given key word.
@mumcusena api/v1/tags GET Return all of the art items in the system.
@mumcusena api/v1/tags POST Create a new tag
@mumcusena api/v1/tags/<int:id> DELETE Delete an existing tag by its id.
@hebunsimsek api/v1/artitems/users/username/<str:username> GET Get all information on that specific user by username
- - - -

External APIs

Assignee API External API API Method API Description
@KarahanS api/v1/episodes/<str:series> GET Return episodes of the given TV series
@BElifb api/questions/<str:tag> GET Get all of the unanswered stackexchange questions with the given tag name.
@BElifb api/searchbytag/all GET Get all of the unanswered stackexchange questions.


Deadline: 20.05.22 @12.00

Additional Information

Both route of the APIs and contents are tentative, meaning that we may change them
based on the discussions we do in the meetings.

  • There are two places we can insert our views in the project.
    • django_app/ This should include all the front-end related views.
    • api/views/: This is a folder that will include all the REST API views.
  • There are two places we can insert our urls in the project.
    • django_app/ This should include:
      • path('', include('api.urls'))
      • path('admin/',
      • All frontend related urls.
    • api/ This should include all the API related urls. API related urls must be in the form of:<specific route>. Fill in the route accordingly, you can of course add more branches like:<int:id>

Please try to comply with the REST API naming conventions like using nouns and not using underscores etc. You can refer to them from here

Please revise&update accordingly before the pull requests @everyone.


Everyone must fill in the table and also check the corresponding box.



CodingThe issue is related with codingEffort: HighHandling this issue might take longerPractice Apprelated to the practice appPriority: HighThis issue must be handled immediatelyStatus: Help WantedExtra attention is needed


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