Task : Classify the person in the picture among 18 cateogires, which describe 'gender','age', 'well-mask-fit'
- Classify the correct class for the given person in the image
- Dataset folder as follows : Each folder has 7 images with a single person but has different condition- 5 images w/ mask, a single image w/o mask, a single image w/ incorrect mask worn.
- Total # of image samples: 2700 folders * 7 images = 18,900 images
- Label information : 18 classes
class | Mask | Gender | Age |
0 | wear | Male | <30 |
1 | wear | Male | >=30 & < 60 |
2 | wear | Male | >=60 |
3 | wear | Female | <30 |
4 | wear | Female | >=30 & < 60 |
5 | wear | Female | >=60 |
6 | incorrect | Male | <30 |
7 | incorrect | Male | >=30 & < 60 |
8 | incorrect | Male | >=60 |
9 | incorrect | Female | <30 |
10 | incorrect | Female | >=30 & < 60 |
11 | incorrect | Female | >=60 |
12 | Not wear | Male | <30 |
13 | Not wear | Male | >=30 & < 60 |
14 | Not wear | Male | >=60 |
15 | Not wear | Female | <30 |
16 | Not wear | Female | >=30 & < 60 |
17 | Not wear | Female | >=60 |
Class distribution : Please refer to EDA jupyter notebook.
Several noisy labels.
Main challenges : Comparably small dataset and the imbalanced properties' distributions, specially in the case of ages, lead to overall imbalance across final classes.
- F1 score
- Handle class imbalance problems, specifically, the boundary of age between [30,60) and [60,) are AMBIGUOUS.
- (Data sampling approach) Oversampling & Undersampling: using opensource ImbalancedSampler and WeightedRandomSampler provided in pytorch.
- (Loss) Different weight based on the classses' distribution : WeightedCrossentropy, Focal Loss, LDAM Loss
- (Loss) Calculating loss considering F1 score metric : F1 Loss
- (Augmentation) Choose empirically helpful transformation(e.g, ColorJitter, HorizontalFlip,CenterCrop) and avoid harful transformation(e.g, VerticalFlip)
- (Augmentation) Removing backgrounds and crop so that our model can focus more on the face.
- Small dataset? Easy to be overfitted.
- (Model) The family of EfficientNet: Consider the variants of light model.
- (Tunning policy) Full fine-tuning: empirically working better than freezing feature extractor layers.
- (Modifed version) Stacking additional FC layer : Relying solely on the pretrained feature extractor and single final classifier could not fit into our downstream task. Since all the pre-trained models are from nature image, ImageNet.
F1 score: 0.7432 , Accuracy: 79.1905
- Model : Efficientnet-b3 adding additional FC layer followed by dropout(0.7)
- Augmentation : torchvision
train_transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(args.img_resize), transforms.CenterCrop(args.img_crop), transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=0.5, contrast=0.5, saturation=0.5, hue=0.5), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.ToTensor()])
Val :
val_transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(args.img_resize), transforms.CenterCrop(args.img_crop), transforms.ToTensor()])
- Loss: Crossentropy
- Optimizer: Adam
- Learning rate: 1e-4
- Scheduler : 0.995 @ every epoch
- WeightedRandomSampler, ImbalancedDatasetSampler : No improvements. Sometime similar to focal loss. More predictions on minor classes but F1 scores wasn't improved
- Loss(Focal loss, LDAM loss, F1 loss, weightedCrossEntropy, Labelsmoothing loss) : No improvements. (But.. with smaller lr, maybe it would have worked. Couldn't try)
- Training as multi-task regime with classification estimating class and regression model to estimate age : Oops. w/o weight on regression loss, terrible scores. Multiplying 0.001 worked better than not doing it. But the model missed out the elder classes even more.
- Various previous model : Resnet18,resnet50,densenet has poorer performance. They have more number of parameters than the (small-medium size) efficient net.
- Multi dropout : No improvements..T_T
- Out of fold & TTA(original+flip) & Ensemble : about to have results! (Lowering learning rate works better)
- Different initialization(e.g, xavier) at the final layer : ?!?!? worse..(need to check which initialization method is applied in pytorch)
- Differing batch size, lr, optimizer(e.g, AdamW, momentumSGD with nesterov) : It seems to have minor improvements. Therefore we didn't do extensive hyperparameter sweeping.
- Training GAN to make synthetic data!! : kind of.. ended up with ghost-like images. Keep going JS!
- Erasing backgrounds and sharpening edges : Taking too much time.
- Stratified 5-Fold
- By modifying the baseline code, we split folder k fold and validated them instead of using sklearn packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- For a single model :
sh ./KSY/scripts/run_exp.sh
- For K-fold with TTA, ensemble :
sh ./KSY/scripts/run_kfold.sh
- Please see argparse description in
- Avoiding hard-coding when sharing codes. ESPECIALLY directory or path.
- Should have merged the baseline codes earlier?
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Roles | * data preprocessing * modeling(model, loss, ensemble) * tuning |
* data preprocessing * tuning |
* data preprocessing * modeling * wandb managing |
* modeling * tuning |
* tuning |
- ImbalancedDatasetSampler