The following proyect is developed for Zemoga. Open to view in full action and fully functioning on the browser.
- This app was developed in the library reactJs with the help of "create-react-app" command.
- It implements Hooks API to set State inside components.
- It uses the principles of atomic design to keep it scaleable
- The src/containers directory includes the main two sections in the app
- The src/components directory includes the smaller components such as header, fotter and voting-box
- It was developed using Sass preprocessor
- The file tokens.scss as part of the atomic design principle includes general variables and mixins to use throught the whole app
- The app was developed using semantic html to increase accessibility.
- Fully functional with the keyboard
- Each voting box is a form with two radio inputs and a submit button.
- Unit test cases tried to be based on behavior (BDD)
- Used '@testing-library/react' and '@testing-library/jest-dom' to test components
- VotingBox component texted with over 90% coverage
- Other components not tested since they didn't include much JS logic.
- Hosting, storage and databases are provided by firebase.
- Facade pattern to use the firebase database through my own methods.
- Implementing design css libraries to use grids such as Tailwind.css or bootstrap
- React Context, Redux or Mobx are prefered to use in bigger aplications when different screens have to share information between them.
- This can be considered a MVP(minimum viable product), design details are not perfect and some elements are not included but it portraits the intention of the app and its basic functionalities.
To run this proyect on your local environment, open this repo on your terminal. In the project directory, you can run:
- install
Install the dependencies needed to run the application of your device
- Watch on browser
Opens the browser in the localhost:3000 to view the application.
- Run unit tests
Runs the unit tests made with Jest