A full stack web application that supports account creation & user login. This application allows registered users to create, edit, or delete posts. Posts may be set as public or private. Public posts are visisble to every registered user to view & private posts are only visible to the creator.
Edit: (New deployment)
The project is deployed here: https://boobeh-storybooks.onrender.com/
(Previous deployment, heroku no longer free)
The project is deployed here: https://agile-waters-63883.herokuapp.com/
- Account creation & user login supported with Passport & Passport-Google-OAuth20
- User data & user posts are stored into a database.
- Displays database data using (HBS) Handlebars.
- I want to add local account creation using Passport-local
- I want to support other social media account login such as twitter, facebook, or github.