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Telegraf apm-input plugin demo

This demo demonstrates how to use Elastic APM agents (ruby, java, js..) and send application metrics using telegraf-apm plugin into InfluxDB.


  • Docker (tested on Mac and Linux)

Start the demo

The whole demo can be started using ./ script.

It will start following containers in docker:

Rails APM agent

Demo simple blog application (CRUD) Rails application is located in ./demo-rails-app It uses Postgres DB and Redis for caching.

UI is accessible on http://localhost:3000

Manually build and run Rails demo app

docker -v  build ./demo-rails-app -t demo-rails-app

docker run -d --name=demo-rails-app \
  --network apm_network \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  --env ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL=http://telegraf-apm:8200 \
  --env POSTGRES_HOST=postgres-demo \
  --env REDIS_HOST=redis-demo \

Notes about performance

By default APM agents sends data from all transactions and spans and generates huge network/cpu/storage utilization. There are several possibilities how to setup APM agent and Telegraf plugin to reduce overhead.

On agent configuration

In telegraf apm-server

  • drop_unsampled_transactions = true - it is possible to exclude transactions that are not sampled (affected by ELASTIC_APM_TRANSACTION_SAMPLE_RATE)

  • aggregate transaction/span duration using aggregators.basicstats

  # Keep the aggregate basicstats of each metric passing through.
    ## The period on which to flush & clear the aggregator.
    period = "10s"

    ## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the
    ## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins.
    drop_original = true

    ## Configures which basic stats to push as fields
    stats = ["count","min","max","mean"]
    namepass = ["apm_transaction", "apm_span"]
  • drop not important fields, stacktraces...
  exclude_fields = [
        "exception_stacktrace*", "stacktrace*", "log_stacktrace*",
        "id", "parent_id", "trace_id",
  • adjust tags,fields mapping: tag_keys = ["result", "name", "transaction_type", "transaction_name", "type", "span_type", "span_subtype"]
  • completely exclude event type exclude_events = ["span", "error"]

Different buckets for metricset, transactions, spans

It is useful to use bucket with different retention policies for metricsets and transaction traces.

You can create a bucket with custom retention policy manualy in InfluxDB UI or by command line:

docker exec -it influxdb_v2 influx -t my-token bucket create -o my-org  -r 168h --name my-new-bucket

In telegraf.conf you can specify which bucket will be used for each measurement using namepass option.

   urls = ["http://influxdb_v2:9999"]
   token = "my-token"
   organization = "my-org"
   bucket = "apm_metricset"
   namepass = ["apm_metricset"]

   urls = ["http://influxdb_v2:9999"]
   token = "my-token"
   organization = "my-org"
   bucket = "apm_error"
   namepass = ["apm_error"]

   urls = ["http://influxdb_v2:9999"]
   token = "my-token"
   organization = "my-org"
   bucket = "apm_transaction"
   namepass = ["apm_transaction","apm_span"]

Use task to keep top slowest transactions

This task will extract hourly top 10 slowest transactions for each transaction name/type into apm_slow_traces bucket.

option task = {name: "traces_duration_sample_top", every: 1h}

data = from(bucket: "apm_transaction")
	|> range(start: -1h)
	|> filter(fn: (r) =>
		(r._measurement == "apm_transaction" or r._measurement == "apm_span" or r._measurement == "apm_error"))
	|> filter(fn: (r) =>
		(r["_field"] == "id" or r["_field"] == "duration"))
	|> pivot(rowKey: ["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
	|> top(n: 10, columns: ["duration"])

	|> to(bucket: "apm_slow_traces", org: "my-org", fieldFn: (r) =>
		({"duration": r.duration, "id":}))