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@xiyou-linuxer @XiyouLinuxGroup-2020 @beyondstorage @HMUniversity

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Tao Wu neverchanje
A product manager for open source projects and productivity tools.

@risingwavelabs Singapore

与语 yuyuaqwq
JinYan Su xiaguan
Have a nice day!

Work for my dream

Zhao Yanbo rbtzh
No hard feelings.

Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications Xi'an, China

王宇逸 Berrysoft

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

张林伟 lewiszlw
Database engineer | Hobbyist game dev | Apache DataFusion committer | Creator of @NightsWatchGames and @systemxlabs

@apache Wuhan

Do the right thing
niebayes niebayes
Former GreptimeDB developer. Now Datalayers developer. Loving database and distributed systems. Reach me at or nsc-sunflower for WeChat.

DataLayers Chengdu Sichuang

Jk Xu Dousir9
The New Road

@ECNU @DatabendLabs

Dark Litss lss233

Tencent Iceland III

Passion never fails | GitHub 佛系写代码

Nanjing University | @Bytedance intern Suzhou Jiangsu China

Kavinli Super-long
Distributed Systems & Database & Linux Kernel / eBPF & Chaos Engineering

Tencent China Shenzhen

Hchen Hchenn
Never forget why you started

@bytedance Beijing, China

lonely eagle linuxlonelyeagle
A student interested in compiler and computer architecture.Love XUPT.

Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications

Sandy Xu SandyXSD

JuiceData Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Yulong Ming myl7
Never too late

City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Bingchang Chen Abingcbc
Vegetable Dog

Aliyun Shanghai

Tony szstonelee
Coding for the world.

No Company Right Now China

MingjiHan MingjiHan99
A Machine Learning System Engineer

ByteDance Bellevue, WA

任思远 rsy56640
interested in programming & algorithm & math

China WHU

Anh71me iyume
Stay cool. Stay pythonic.

Rootfs LLC. China

Lqxc lovebaihezi
Sound type is everything. true = λx.λy.x false = λy.λx.y if = λc.λx.λy.y ~> x ~> c
Jun Zhang junaire
I tell computers to do things, sometimes they listen.
mwish mapleFU
So high, so low, so many things to know.

China, Jiangxi Province, Nanchang


Metabit Trading - We are hiring! Shanghai

lichuang lichuang
"When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create."


Rick LinuxSuRen
Dev and a host of open-source Podcasts @opensource-f2f

@opensource-f2f Beijing, China

Youmu condy0919


Daniel Azuma dazuma
Ruby and Elixir enthusiast living in the Seattle area.

@GoogleCloudPlatform @googleapis @open-telemetry @cloudevents Kirkland, WA

Yangshen⚡Deng TKONIY
🚀Master student in DBGroup@SUSTech.

@DBGroup-SUSTech Shenzhen, China

Draven draveness
HFT / C++ / Go

@spectra-fund Beijing, China


NJUPT / BAIDU Shanghai, China

Peter Yang Yangxiamao
previous intern @pingcap@api7

Guangdong province,China

Xiang Shi KevinZonda
MSc Adv. Comp @ Imperial | Alumni BSc CompSci @ UB'ham | Go | python | .NET | INFP | Machine Learning | ex. 抒发森林, CominApp, FastGit & @Limit-LAB

@ImperialCollegeLondon London, UK

liyingxin holmes1412
♥️Developer of Workflow and SRPC🧸一桌一椅一泡面,一灯一本一网线。

@sogou Shenzhen

Reimu muzi502
Brick mover🍞しゃちく Shachiku 🛠 ⚒ Earthling, Vegetarian, EFF member.

Our Planet

Ho 229 ho-229
impl std::lang::English for Me {}


王听正 WangTingZheng
The most stable complex systems often have the simplest underlying principles.

HeiLongJiang University Harbin Heilongjiang Province

lishuhuakai lishuhuakai
I want know more details about computer science.
Richard Chien stdrc
A naïve learner.

@risingwavelabs Singapore

Always Be Hungry