Sell Mate to your colleagues. Fast! WOW!
After you checked out the project you have to install a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv mate
Start the virtual environment:
Linux/Unix: source mate/bin/activate
Windows (PS): .\mate\Scripts\Activate.ps1
Install required packages via: pip install -r requirements.txt
Export Flask variables:
To reload on file changes:
Linux/Unix: export FLASK_DEBUG="1"
Windows (PS): $env:FLASK_DEBUG="1"
To use custom commands bellow:
Linux/Unix: export FLASK_APP=""
Windows (PS): $env:FLASK_APP=""
Initialize the database and compile the languages:
flask translate compile
flask db upgrade
Export the confguration variables for the configuration.
For Example: export MAIL_SERVER=""
If you use the background worker, you need to export the REDIS_URL
Then you can start the development server via flask run
and open localhost:5000
in your browser.
For some jobs, like the billing, you need a celery worker with a Redis. Export the same variables as exported above for the main application.
Start the celery worker after you activated the virtual environment.
Start worker: celery worker -A app.celery -B --loglevel=info