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travis #Angular-CoG-Alert A simple alerting directive/factory for AngularJS.



Getting Started

###Installation Downlaod the source as a zip file above or install via Bower.

bower install --save angular-cog-alert

Add references to angular-cog-alert.css & angular-cog-alert.js.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/angular-cog-alert.css">
<script src="js/angular-cog-alert.js"></script>

Add dependency to your angular module.

var myApp = angular.module('app', ['cogAlert']);

Add the cog-alerts directive to your page.


Inject the Alerting factory anywhere you want to add alerts, and then add them as necessary.

myApp.controller('myController', function ($scope, Alerting) {
    $scope.doSomething = function () {
        //do something
        Alerting.addDanger('Danger Will Robinson!');

Error Handling

Use the errorHandler function on the Alerting factory to gracefully handle exceptions from rejected promsises.

myApp.controller('serviceController', function ($scope, someService, Alerting) {
    $scope.callService = function () {
        someService.getSomePromise().then(function () {
            //it worked!!
            Alerting.addSuccess('Hooray for not sucking!');
        .catch(Alerting.errorHandler('A promise has been broken and I have died a little inside.'));

Styling & Animations

The alerts all have the bootstrap alert-* classes applied to them. You can use custom class names by using the addAlert() method on the Alerting factory, which will result in alert-[type] classes being applied.

For animations, you can use whatever method you please. The demo uses ngAnimate and animate.css to apply the flipInY/flipOutY animations when alerts are shown/hidden. The demo applies the animation to and


  • Alerting Factory
    • addAlert(type, message)

      Add an alert of the given type to the list with the given message. Will apply the class .alert-[type] to the alert.

    • addInfo(message)

      Add an info alert with the given message to the list. Uses the bootstrap class .alert-info.

    • addSuccess(message)

      Add an success alert with the given message to the list. Uses the bootstrap class .alert-success.

    • addWarning(message)

      Add an warning alert with the given message to the list. Uses the bootstrap class .alert-warning.

    • addDanger(message)

      Add an info alert with the given message to the list. Uses the bootstrap class .alert-danger.

    • errorHandler(message) Returns a function that can be consumed by the catch method of a $q promise. Will add the given message as a danger alert.

MIT © bodiddlie


Simple alert message directive/factory for angularjs.







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