Parses HuaweI baseline bulk configuration management XML sync data to csv.
Below is the format of the expected input file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<spec:BACKUPCFG xmlns:spec=""
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<spec:fileHeader fileFormatVersion="1.1.0" nenrmversion="XXXXXXXX" neversion="BTS3900 V100R011C10SPC262" syntype="synall" synlabel="XXXXXXXX" producttype="X"/>
<spec:syndata FunctionType="NODE" Id="XXXXXXXX" productversion="BTS3900 XXXXXXXX" nermversion="XXXXXXXX" objId="-1">
<PARAMETER1>Value</PARAMETER1><!--Translated Value-->
<PARAMETER1>Value</PARAMETER1><!--Translated Value-->
<PARAMETER2>Value</PARAMETER2><!--Translated Value-->
</MO2 >
<spec:fileFooter label="XXXXXXXXXX" ExportResult="Success" dateTime="2090-08-13T09:41:59">
usage: java -jar boda-huaweicfgsynparser.jar
Parses Huawei AUTOBAK/CM Backup configuration data file to csv
-c,--parameter-config <PARAMETER_CONFIG> parameter configuration file
-h,--help show help
-i,--input-file <INPUT_FILE> input file or directory name
-o,--output-directory <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> output directory name
-v,--version display version
java -jar boda-huaweicfgsynparser.jar -i dump.xml -o out_folder
java -jar boda-huaweicfgsynparser.jar -i input_folder -o out_folder
Copyright (c) 2019 Bodastage Solutions(
The lastest compiled jar file is availabled in the dist directory. Alternatively, download it directly from here.
To run the jar file, you need Java version 1.8 and above.
To report issues with the application or request new features use the issue tracker. For help and customizations send an email to
Bodastage Solutions -
For any other concerns apart from issues and feature requests, send an email to
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 licence. See LICENCE file for details.