Custom Alteryx tool to append data to CSV files
Custom Alteryx SDK tool that allows you to append data to an existing CSV file. Output confuguration largely matches standard Alteryx outputs with Code Page, Line Ending Style and delimiter.
The tool will not create files, if you want to do this just use the standard Alteryx output to CSV tool.
Headers will also not be added to the ouput since this tool expects a file has alreayd been created with headers if required.
Note that the output file name does not need to be .csv, it will work with any flat file format incluing files without a file extension (Unix, Mac type files)
Download the yxi file and double click to install in Alteyrx.
The tool will be installed in the In/Out category.
None, uses standard Python libraries.
Configure the tool as you would any standard output tool.
The tool has no output.
This workflow demonstrates the tool in use. The workflow shown here: