Use of VBA scripting to analyze real stock market data.
Create a script that will loop through all the stocks for one year and output the following summary information.
The ticker symbol.
Yearly change from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year.
The percent change from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year.
The total stock volume of the stock.
Do conditional formatting that will highlight positive change in green and negative change in red.
The olution will also be able to return the stock with the "Greatest % increase", "Greatest % decrease" and "Greatest total volume". The solution will look as follows:
- Make the appropriate adjustments to your VBA script that will allow it to run on every worksheet, i.e., every year, just by running the VBA script once.
Dev Data- Dev Data (small) Test Data- Test Data (huge)
VBA code - wall_streat_challenge_solution1.vbs
- Run the subroutine Stock_Analysis
Screenshots of results:
- Result_screenshot_2016_Solution1.png
- Result_screenshot_2015_Solution1.png
- Result_screenshot_2014_Solution1.png
This solution does not use any workbook application function
It loops through the entire data once, get the summary and loops through the small summary once to get the toppers and floppers
This solution works even if the data is not sorted
It loops through all the sheets and gives the result
One extra feature is added to keep track of division by zero error
- If any ticker has Opening Value = 0, Percent Change becomes Infinity and results in Division by Zero Error
- Under the occurance of division by zero, Percent Change is taken as 0% and corresponding tickers are logged in the sheet and highlighed
- One Ticker (PNTL) has this problem - happens in 2015 and 2014 years
Code returns the total run time taken
As this solution uses arrays and redimensioning, it takes about 36 minutes to run
VBA code - wall_streat_challenge_solution2.vbs
- Run the subroutine Stock_Analysis
Screenshots of results:
- Result_screenshot_2016_Solution2.png
- Result_screenshot_2015_Solution2.png
- Result_screenshot_2014_Solution2.png
This solution has only two subroutines; Stock_Analysis consists of the main logic and Formatting carries out the required formatting. The main logic of Stock_Analysis is as follows:
Note the Start Time
Loop through each worksheet(2016, 2015, 2014):
Activate the current worksheet
Sort the entire sheet using inbuilt function Sort
Find the Last Row
The variables Count (total number of unique tickers) As 0, Error Count (Any Div by Zero?) As 0
Row Index As 2 (skip the header row)
Topper Flopper Names - Array Initialized: Pos0 - Ticker with Greatest% Increase, Pos1 - Ticker with Greatest% Decrease, Pos2 - Ticker with Greatest Stock Volume
Topper Flopper Values - Array Initialized: Pos0 - Greatest% Increase, Pos1 - Greatest% Decrease, Pos2 - Greatest Stock Volume
While Row Index <= Last Row:
Find the row corresponds to the **Last Instance** of that Ticker using inbuilt function **Find**
Calculate the Yearly Change
Increment the Error Count if any Div by Zero Error (Mark the corresponding Ticker in the sheet)
Calculate the Percentage Change
Calculate the Total Stock Volume using inbuilt function Sum
Update the summary row in the sheet
#Keep track of the Toppers and Floppers as below
If Count = 0
Topper Flopper Names <- Names of the first Ticker as a base for further comparison
Topper Flopper Values <- Values of the first Ticker as a base for further comparison
Update Topper Flopper Names and Topper Flopper Values
If Current Perc Change > Topper Flopper Values[Pos0]:
Topper Flopper Values[Pos0] <- Current Perc Change
Topper Flopper Names[Pos0] <- Current Ticker
If Current Perc Change < Topper Flopper Values[Pos1]:
Topper Flopper Values[Pos1] <- Current Perc Change
Topper Flopper Names[Pos1] <- Current Ticker
If Current Total Stock Volume > Topper Flopper Values[Pos2]:
Topper Flopper Values[Pos2] <- Current Total Stock Volume
Topper Flopper Names[Pos2] <- Current Ticker
End If
Update the Row Index as Last Instance + 1
End of while Loop
Update the sheet with Topper Flopper Names and Values
Call Formatting Subroutine for Formatting
End of the current worsksheet
Note the total time elapsed and notify in a messagebox
This solution also includes the features incorporated in Solution 1
- Track and highlight tickers with opening value zero
- Outputs the total run time As it includes the inbuilt find function to find the last index, it takes a lot of time (about 114 minutes) to run.
VBA code - wall_streat_challenge_solution3.vbs
- Run the subroutine Stock_Analysis
Screenshots of results:
- Result_screenshot_2016_Solution3.png
- Result_screenshot_2015_Solution3.png
- Result_screenshot_2014_Solution3.png
Just like Solution2, this solution also has only two subroutines; Stock_Analysis consists of the main logic and Formatting carries out the required formatting. The main logic of Stock_Analysis is as follows:
Note the Start Time
Loop through each worksheet(2016, 2015, 2014):
Activate the current worksheet
Sort the entire sheet using inbuilt function Sort
Find the Last Row
The variables Count (total number of unique tickers) As 0, Error Count (Any Div by Zero?) As 0, Total Stock Volume As 0
First Instance As 2 (Row Corresponds to the First Ticker)
Topper Flopper Names - Array Initialized: Pos0 - Ticker with Greatest% Increase, Pos1 - Ticker with Greatest% Decrease, Pos2 - Ticker with Greatest Stock Volume
Topper Flopper Values - Array Initialized: Pos0 - Greatest% Increase, Pos1 - Greatest% Decrease, Pos2 - Greatest Stock Volume
For Row Index = 2 To Last Row:
If current row ticker name NOT EQUAL TO next row ticker name
Calculate the Yearly Change <- Close Value at current row - Open Value at First Instance
Increment the Error Count if any Div by Zero Error (Mark the corresponding Ticker in the sheet)
Calculate the Percentage Change <- Yearly Change / Open Value at First Instance
Total Stock Volume <- Total Stock Volume + Stock Volume at the current row
Update the summary row in the sheet
Update the First Instance <- Row Index + 1
Reset the Total Stock Volume <- 0
Increment the Count (+1)
#Keep track of the Toppers and Floppers as below
If Count = 1
Topper Flopper Names <- Names of the first Ticker as a base for further comparison
Topper Flopper Values <- Values of the first Ticker as a base for further comparison
Update Topper Flopper Names and Topper Flopper Values
If Current Perc Change > Topper Flopper Values[Pos0]:
Topper Flopper Values[Pos0] <- Current Perc Change
Topper Flopper Names[Pos0] <- Current Ticker
If Current Perc Change < Topper Flopper Values[Pos1]:
Topper Flopper Values[Pos1] <- Current Perc Change
Topper Flopper Names[Pos1] <- Current Ticker
If Current Total Stock Volume > Topper Flopper Values[Pos2]:
Topper Flopper Values[Pos2] <- Current Total Stock Volume
Topper Flopper Names[Pos2] <- Current Ticker
End If
Total Stock Volume <- Total Stock Volume + Stock Volume at the current row
Next Row Index
Update the sheet with Topper Flopper Names and Values
Call Formatting Subroutine for Formatting
End of the current worsksheet
Note the total time elapsed and notify in a messagebox
This solution also includes the features incorporated in Solution 1 and 2
- Track and highlight tickers with opening value zero
- Outputs the total run time
This runs super fast (0.65 minutes)!!!, as no inbuilt functions like find in solution2 (other than sort function) and array redimensioning (as used in Solution1)
Please note that the time taken for Solution 2 and 3 will vary based on how shuffled the dataset gets. Both the solutions use inbuilt sort function
Having going through all the three solutions, considering the run time as a performance factor, Solution 3 is picked as it runs faster than others