[Java] [Joynr 1.19.8] Restart consumer application and then it can't receive broadcast information #91
operate as follow steps:
1.start a provider service and a consumer service
2.consumer service subscribe to provider's broadcast
3.restart consumer service
4.use provider service publish a broadcast information then consumer service will print the following log
2022-04-29 11:05:40,446 [DEBUG] HivemqMqttClient: (clientHash=5b69d40d, GBID=gwmsoagbid1, bidirectional): Received publication: topic: Hw7dWStkSjWXrc53EbAIRg/systemMessage, size: 528, qos: AT_LEAST_ONCE, retain: false, expiryInterval: 120. 2022-04-29 11:05:40,447 [DEBUG] MqttMessagingSkeleton: <<< INCOMING FROM gwmsoagbid1 <<< messageId: SUjiE8_-TZOMkwJiMBByZg, type: m, sender: Hw7dWStkSjWXrc53EbAIRg, recipient: Hw7dWStkSjWXrc53EbAIRg/systemMessage, expiryDate: 1651201660441, size: 528 2022-04-29 11:05:40,448 [ERROR] CcMessageRouter: ERROR SENDING: aborting send. Error: Failed to route multicast publication: No recipient found for given message: messageId: SUjiE8_-TZOMkwJiMBByZg, type: m, sender: Hw7dWStkSjWXrc53EbAIRg, recipient: Hw7dWStkSjWXrc53EbAIRg/systemMessage, expiryDate: 1651201660441, size: 528
the consumer's receiverid is not change,so I think it should receive the broadcast information rather than print error log