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Benchmark against LanguageTool #6




There is now a benchmark in bench/ It computes suggestions from LanguageTool via language-tool-python and NLPRule on 10k sentences from Tatoeba and compares the times.

Heres's the output for German:

(base) bminixhofer@pop-os:~/Documents/Projects/nlprule/bench$ python --lang=de
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 10000/10000 [01:24<00:00, 118.30it/s]
LanguageTool time: 63.019s
NLPRule time: 21.348s

n LanguageTool suggestions: 368
n NLPRule suggestions: 314
n same suggestions: 304

and for English:

(base) bminixhofer@pop-os:~/Documents/Projects/nlprule/bench$ python --lang=en
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 10000/10000 [05:57<00:00, 27.98it/s]
LanguageTool time: 305.641s
NLPRule time: 51.267s

n LanguageTool suggestions: 282
n NLPRule suggestions: 247
n same suggestions: 235

I disabled spellchecking in LanguageTool.
LT gives more suggestions because NLPRule does not support all rules.
Not all NLPRule suggestions are the same as LT. Likely because of differences in priority but I'll look a bit closer into that.

Correcting for the Java rules in LT and that NLPRule only supports 85-90% of LT rules by dividing the NLPRule time by 0.8 and normalizing this gives the following table:

NLPRule time LanguageTool time
English 1 4.77
German 1 2.36

These numbers are of course not 100% accurate but should at least give a ballpark estimate of performance.
I'll keep this issue open for discussion / improving the benchmark.




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