The objective of this tutorial is part 2 of a previous tutorial which is to edit the type system, continue with previous annotations, train/evaluate the ML annotator model then re-deploy the model to NLU to extract patterns, keywords from unstructured text. This use case is specific for the automotive industry but can be used for other domains as well.
- IBM Cloud account: If you do not have an IBM Cloud account, you can create an account here
- Provision a Watson Knowledge Studio instance within IBM Cloud & creation of a workspace.
- Basic knowledge of Watson Knowledge Studio process workflow & creation of roles by viewing docs.
It is recommended to annotate a variety of a large set of documents for greater accuracy however, estimated times are as follows:20 docs = 2 hours , 10 docs = 1 hour, 5 docs = 30 min and a small sample size will be used for this exercise.
Customers may have a need to modify the type system that they have created after they have deployed their model to NLU as a continuous training/testing practice for greater optimization and accuracy of the model.
Take Snapshot ( if pleased with results and plan on doing workspace revisions later, re-training and re-evaluation of model)
- After modification of type system by adding entity type, edit existing annotation task, then click apply type system updates and proceed with remainder of steps above