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A script-based toolkit to simplify common tasks when working with Rancher
I don't claim that these are good, only good enough. Please submit PRs for anything you can make better!
lasso requires that the following be installed and available on your path:
- git (
brew install git
) - tugboat (
brew install tugboat
)- Make sure tugboat is configured
- awscli (
pip install awscli
)- Make sure awscli is configured
- kubectl (
brew install kubernetes-cli
) - jq (
brew install jq
) - rke
- get the latest release from https://github.com/rancher/rke/releases) and ensure it is available on your path
cd ~/Dev/tools # anywhere you want
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bmdepesa/lasso/master/internet_install.sh | sh
- Restart your terminal session
- Clone project
- Set
to be executable (chmod +x
) ./install.sh -c
- Restart your terminal session
- pull the
branch of this project
rm -rf $LASSO_HOME
rm -rf ~/.lasso/
- remove additions from (.bashrc, .zshrc, .bash_profile) files
will update your configuration for all(most?) scripts- To manually view/update the configuration, all files are in
- contains LASSO_HOMEaws.config
- settings for AWSrancher.config
- settings for Rancher installationsdo.config
- settings for DO
Most commands/scripts can have the defaults overriden through arguments.
- This relies on
, add any keys (aws/do) withssh-add -K <key>
rancher_create_ha -n <name>
- Creates a Rancher HA installation (with an existing load balancer and target groups), the ami must match the region, and the ami must have Docker preinstalled.
More documentation to come.. read through the files to view the scripts/commands/options.