- The EXE can be placed anywhere. Optionally, you can place it with the exe.config and your custom settings.
- ethminer should be placed with the EXE or selected from Settings Menu.
- The 'profiles.xml' holds the profiles you have created. This can be copied to other rigs and used without recreating.
- %appdata%\ethminerGUI\user.config should only be created if you "save settings on exit".
- Note: the free 'win tee' (wtee.exe) is required to use the log feature. (Google archive/source here)
- Ethminer needs a newer release that supports newer flags (if you want to use them). Release Version "0.13.0" was used developing this app.
- The release section ZIP file contains the pre-built ethminerGUI EXE along with wtee.exe and ethminer.exe.
- Covers most of the basic options for ethminer
- Allows to save all your pools as profiles (profiles.xml)
- No need for multiple cmd/batch files laying around
- 'profiles.xml' can also be moved to other machines to share the profiles
- Open-Source & NO FEE. You are welcome to donate on the Help/About page in app. Thank You.
Fix Save/Remove/Add profiles to use the deserializer/serializer using obj in memory (works now but uses XmlDoc)
Add "modify profile" to code. Right now you can delete and re-add (only).
Fix the 'Stop Mining' button to interact with the Process() and actually kill miner (Use CTRL-C on console for now)
basic code clean up/streamlining - this is a 'first draft' and is a mess (though works) -> you were warned.
Contact: https://discord.gg/MFzuyNs
ethminerGUI is released under the GNU GPLv3.
ethminer is released under the GNU GPLv3.
wintee/wtee.exe is released under the Mozilla.