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joelgrus committed Apr 22, 2019
1 parent fe709d9 commit d85ad71
Showing 28 changed files with 7,197 additions and 7 deletions.
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ Here's all the code and examples from the second edition of my book _Data Scienc
16. [Logistic Regression](
17. [Decision Trees](
18. [Neural Networks](
19. [Clustering](
20. [Natural Language Processing](
21. [Network Analysis](
22. [Recommender Systems](
23. [Databases and SQL](
24. [MapReduce](
25. Go Forth And Do Data Science
19. [Deep Learning]
20. [Clustering](
21. [Natural Language Processing](
22. [Network Analysis](
23. [Recommender Systems](
24. [Databases and SQL](
25. [MapReduce](
26. Data Ethics
27. Go Forth And Do Data Science
Empty file added scratch/
Empty file.
305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions scratch/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
from scratch.linear_algebra import Vector

def num_differences(v1: Vector, v2: Vector) -> int:
assert len(v1) == len(v2)
return len([x1 for x1, x2 in zip(v1, v2) if x1 != x2])

assert num_differences([1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3]) == 2
assert num_differences([1, 2], [1, 2]) == 0

from typing import List
from scratch.linear_algebra import vector_mean

def cluster_means(k: int,
inputs: List[Vector],
assignments: List[int]) -> List[Vector]:
# clusters[i] contains the inputs whose assignment is i
clusters = [[] for i in range(k)]
for input, assignment in zip(inputs, assignments):

# if a cluster is empty, just use a random point
return [vector_mean(cluster) if cluster else random.choice(inputs)
for cluster in clusters]

import itertools
import random
import tqdm
from scratch.linear_algebra import squared_distance

class KMeans:
def __init__(self, k: int) -> None:
self.k = k # number of clusters
self.means = None

def classify(self, input: Vector) -> int:
"""return the index of the cluster closest to the input"""
return min(range(self.k),
key=lambda i: squared_distance(input, self.means[i]))

def train(self, inputs: List[Vector]) -> None:
# Start with random assignments
assignments = [random.randrange(self.k) for _ in inputs]

with tqdm.tqdm(itertools.count()) as t:
for _ in t:
# Compute means and find new assignments
self.means = cluster_means(self.k, inputs, assignments)
new_assignments = [self.classify(input) for input in inputs]

# Check how many assignments changed and if we're done
num_changed = num_differences(assignments, new_assignments)
if num_changed == 0:

# Otherwise keep the new assignments, and compute new means
assignments = new_assignments
self.means = cluster_means(self.k, inputs, assignments)
t.set_description(f"changed: {num_changed} / {len(inputs)}")

from typing import NamedTuple, Union

class Leaf(NamedTuple):
value: Vector

leaf1 = Leaf([10, 20])
leaf2 = Leaf([30, -15])

class Merged(NamedTuple):
children: tuple
order: int

merged = Merged((leaf1, leaf2), order=1)

Cluster = Union[Leaf, Merged]

def get_values(cluster: Cluster) -> List[Vector]:
if isinstance(cluster, Leaf):
return [cluster.value]
return [value
for child in cluster.children
for value in get_values(child)]

assert get_values(merged) == [[10, 20], [30, -15]]

from typing import Callable
from scratch.linear_algebra import distance

def cluster_distance(cluster1: Cluster,
cluster2: Cluster,
distance_agg: Callable = min) -> float:
compute all the pairwise distances between cluster1 and cluster2
and apply the aggregation function _distance_agg_ to the resulting list
return distance_agg([distance(v1, v2)
for v1 in get_values(cluster1)
for v2 in get_values(cluster2)])

def get_merge_order(cluster: Cluster) -> float:
if isinstance(cluster, Leaf):
return float('inf') # was never merged
return cluster.order

from typing import Tuple

def get_children(cluster: Cluster):
if isinstance(cluster, Leaf):
raise TypeError("Leaf has no children")
return cluster.children

def bottom_up_cluster(inputs: List[Vector],
distance_agg: Callable = min) -> Cluster:
# Start with all leaves
clusters: List[Cluster] = [Leaf(input) for input in inputs]

def pair_distance(pair: Tuple[Cluster, Cluster]) -> float:
return cluster_distance(pair[0], pair[1], distance_agg)

# as long as we have more than one cluster left...
while len(clusters) > 1:
# find the two closest clusters
c1, c2 = min(((cluster1, cluster2)
for i, cluster1 in enumerate(clusters)
for cluster2 in clusters[:i]),

# remove them from the list of clusters
clusters = [c for c in clusters if c != c1 and c != c2]

# merge them, using merge_order = # of clusters left
merged_cluster = Merged((c1, c2), order=len(clusters))

# and add their merge

# when there's only one cluster left, return it
return clusters[0]

def generate_clusters(base_cluster: Cluster,
num_clusters: int) -> List[Cluster]:
# start with a list with just the base cluster
clusters = [base_cluster]

# as long as we don't have enough clusters yet...
while len(clusters) < num_clusters:
# choose the last-merged of our clusters
next_cluster = min(clusters, key=get_merge_order)
# remove it from the list
clusters = [c for c in clusters if c != next_cluster]

# and add its children to the list (i.e., unmerge it)

# once we have enough clusters...
return clusters

def main():

inputs: List[List[float]] = [[-14,-5],[13,13],[20,23],[-19,-11],[-9,-16],[21,27],[-49,15],[26,13],[-46,5],[-34,-1],[11,15],[-49,0],[-22,-16],[19,28],[-12,-8],[-13,-19],[-41,8],[-11,-6],[-25,-9],[-18,-3]]

random.seed(12) # so you get the same results as me
clusterer = KMeans(k=3)
means = sorted(clusterer.means) # sort for the unit test

assert len(means) == 3

# Check that the means are close to what we expect.
assert squared_distance(means[0], [-44, 5]) < 1
assert squared_distance(means[1], [-16, -10]) < 1
assert squared_distance(means[2], [18, 20]) < 1

clusterer = KMeans(k=2)
means = sorted(clusterer.means)

assert len(means) == 2
assert squared_distance(means[0], [-26, -5]) < 1
assert squared_distance(means[1], [18, 20]) < 1

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def squared_clustering_errors(inputs: List[Vector], k: int) -> float:
"""finds the total squared error from k-means clustering the inputs"""
clusterer = KMeans(k)
means = clusterer.means
assignments = [clusterer.classify(input) for input in inputs]

return sum(squared_distance(input, means[cluster])
for input, cluster in zip(inputs, assignments))

# now plot from 1 up to len(inputs) clusters

ks = range(1, len(inputs) + 1)
errors = [squared_clustering_errors(inputs, k) for k in ks]

plt.plot(ks, errors)
plt.ylabel("total squared error")
plt.title("Total Error vs. # of Clusters")


image_path = r"girl_with_book.jpg" # wherever your image is
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread(image_path) / 256 # rescale to between 0 and 1

# .tolist() converts a numpy array to a Python list
pixels = [pixel.tolist() for row in img for pixel in row]

clusterer = KMeans(5)
clusterer.train(pixels) # this might take a while

def recolor(pixel: Vector) -> Vector:
cluster = clusterer.classify(pixel) # index of the closest cluster
return clusterer.means[cluster] # mean of the closest cluster

new_img = [[recolor(pixel) for pixel in row] # recolor this row of pixels
for row in img] # for each row in the image




base_cluster = bottom_up_cluster(inputs)

three_clusters = [get_values(cluster)
for cluster in generate_clusters(base_cluster, 3)]

# sort smallest to largest
tc = sorted(three_clusters, key=len)
assert len(tc) == 3
assert [len(c) for c in tc] == [2, 4, 14]
assert sorted(tc[0]) == [[11, 15], [13, 13]]


for i, cluster, marker, color in zip([1, 2, 3],
xs, ys = zip(*cluster) # magic unzipping trick
plt.scatter(xs, ys, color=color, marker=marker)

# put a number at the mean of the cluster
x, y = vector_mean(cluster)
plt.plot(x, y, marker='$' + str(i) + '$', color='black')

plt.title("User Locations -- 3 Bottom-Up Clusters, Min")
plt.xlabel("blocks east of city center")
plt.ylabel("blocks north of city center")


base_cluster_max = bottom_up_cluster(inputs, max)
three_clusters_max = [get_values(cluster)
for cluster in generate_clusters(base_cluster_max, 3)]

for i, cluster, marker, color in zip([1, 2, 3],
xs, ys = zip(*cluster) # magic unzipping trick
plt.scatter(xs, ys, color=color, marker=marker)

# put a number at the mean of the cluster
x, y = vector_mean(cluster)
plt.plot(x, y, marker='$' + str(i) + '$', color='black')

plt.title("User Locations -- 3 Bottom-Up Clusters, Max")
plt.xlabel("blocks east of city center")
plt.ylabel("blocks north of city center")

if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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