This repo tracks System configurations used on various Machines. Where the dotfiles repository tracks files in my /home environment, the etc repository tracks files kept in /etc that configure System-wide software. The two together will allow me to track a personal Workspace and configurations for a System.
Why do I track /etc files?
- X11 and the Xorg display server can be configured for various Device drivers and Monitors. Displays determine characteristics of the output (ie. colour depth and bits-per-pixel), Screens bridge all of the previous together, and ServerLayouts couple one or more Screens with one or more InputDevices to result in a complete configuration. I may encounter a need to mix-and-match any Machine, Monitor and Peripherals.
As per the LICENSE file, this repository has been introduced into the Public domain. You are free to review and use the contents for whatever purpose without attribution. I intend to share this repository and enable others to learn from it.