Product shop extension for
This package contains dexterity content types and the corresponding views for building a typical product shop.
A product which can be added to folders. A product consists of default metadata, an image, a detailed description, a datasheet and related items.
Product Group
A product group is a collection of product like objects with several aspects
applied to it. The contained items are of type Variant
. Further a
product group provides the same fields as a Product
. The default variant
aspects for newly created variants inside this product group can be defined
on the product group.
A Variant is a Product
with several aspects applied to it, like weight,
size, etc. and is contained in a Product Group
. The different aspects
can be enabled and disabled explicitly after creation via object actions. The
default aspects enabled are read from parent product group
product tiles
The product tiles view can be applied on site root and folders. The view
displays a grid of tiles built of contained folders and buyable items. If tile
context is a folder, title and description are taken from the folder, and the
preview image is taken randomly from a contained buyable item. If tile context
is a buyable item, title, description and preview image are taken from it and
on mouse over buyable controls are rendered in an overlay for this item. The
number of grid columns rendered can be defined globally in control panel, or,
if IProductTilesViewSettingsBehavior
is applied on folders directly
only, Archetypes folders are not suppoerted).
product listing
The product listing can be applied on folders and on product groups. When applied on folder it lists the first level of the contained products and product groups. When applied on a product group it lists the contained variants and a filter at the top to restrict listing by variant aspects.
product view
The product view can be applied on products, product groups an variants. When
applied on products, it displays the product data and the buyable controls
provided by
. When applied on a variant, additionally the
aspect filter gets shown which can be used for instant navigation between
available variants in containing product group. When applied on a product group
the first contained variant gets displayed as descibed above.
Install system dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Install Instance:
virtualenv --no-site-packages vpython ./vpython/bin/python ./bin/buildout
Add bda.plone.productshop
to the instance eggs in buildout.cfg or depend
your integration package to it.
Install as addon in plone control panel or via generic setup dependency in your integration package.
If desired variant aspect is generic, fork this project from
, add it directly
there and create a pull request.
Create a variant behavior like the ones in
@provider(IFormFieldProvider) class IDemandBehavior(IVariantAspect): """Demand variant behavior. """ model.fieldset( 'aspects', label=_(u'aspects', default=u'Aspects'), fields=['demand']) demand = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'demand_title', default=u'Demand'), description=_(u'demand_description', default=u'Demand of the product'), required=False)
- Note: Aspect field type must always be a text line to work correctly with
- the filter views.
Register this behavior via ZCML:
<plone:behavior title="Demand" description="Extend content with product demand." provides=".behaviors.IDemandBehavior" for="collective.instancebehavior.IInstanceBehaviorAssignableContent" />
Create an indexer for the aspect field like the ones in
@indexer(IDemandBehavior) def demand_aspect(obj): return obj.demand
- Note: Index name must be postfixed with
all over the place. - this way we hopefully avoid naming collisions.
Register the indexer via ZCML:
<adapter name="demand_aspect" factory=".indexer.demand_aspect" />
Create the index at install time via generic setup profile. Add to
<index name="demand_aspect" meta_type="FieldIndex"> <indexed_attr value="demand_aspect" /> </index>
Create the object action for the aspect that it can be enabled ttw like the
ones in bda.plone.productshop.browser.actions
class DemandAction(VariantAspectAction): aspect_title = _(u'aspect_demand', default=u'Demand') aspect_behavior = 'bda.plone.productshop.behaviors.IDemandBehavior' aspect_schema = IDemandBehavior
Configure necessary action views:
<!-- demand --> <browser:page name="enable_demand" attribute="enable_aspect" for="..interfaces.IVariant" class=".actions.DemandAction" permission="cmf.ModifyPortalContent" layer="..interfaces.IProductShopExtensionLayer" /> <browser:page name="disable_demand" attribute="disable_aspect" for="..interfaces.IVariant" class=".actions.DemandAction" permission="cmf.ModifyPortalContent" layer="..interfaces.IProductShopExtensionLayer" /> <browser:page name="can_enable_demand" attribute="can_enable" for="*" class=".actions.DemandAction" permission="cmf.ModifyPortalContent" layer="..interfaces.IProductShopExtensionLayer" /> <browser:page name="can_disable_demand" attribute="can_disable" for="*" class=".actions.DemandAction" permission="cmf.ModifyPortalContent" layer="..interfaces.IProductShopExtensionLayer" />
Create the corresponding object actions at install time via generic setup
profile. Add to actions.xml
<!-- demand --> <object name="enable_demand" meta_type="CMF Action" i18n:domain="bda.plone.productshop"> <property name="title" i18n:translate=""> Add demand </property> <property name="description" i18n:translate=""> Add demand to product variant </property> <property name="url_expr"> string:${object/absolute_url}/@@enable_demand </property> <property name="icon_expr"></property> <property name="available_expr"> object/@@can_enable_demand </property> <property name="permissions"> <element value="Modify portal content" /> </property> <property name="visible">True</property> </object> <object name="disable_demand" meta_type="CMF Action" i18n:domain="bda.plone.productshop"> <property name="title" i18n:translate=""> Remove demand </property> <property name="description" i18n:translate=""> Remove demand from product variant </property> <property name="url_expr"> string:${object/absolute_url}/@@disable_demand </property> <property name="icon_expr"></property> <property name="available_expr"> object/@@can_disable_demand </property> <property name="permissions"> <element value="Modify portal content" /> </property> <property name="visible">True</property> </object>
- Define which richtext fields of a product gets rendered as tabs in product view.
- Create control panel. This should contain global configuration which variant aspects are available in the instance.
- Robert Niederreiter (Autor)
- Espen Moe-Nilssen
- Peter Holzer