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Relay gRPC

This repository provides the compiled gRPC code for connecting and submitting blocks to the bloXroute Labs MEV Relays.

Getting Started

Included in this repository are some helper files to streamline integration;


  • Opens and maintains connection with relay from provided host and auth token


  • Adds methods for converting between standard types and gRPC types

Importing the module

Use go get to download the module:

go get

Import the module inside of the application you wish to add it:

import (
  grpc ""

Opening a connection

Using the provided utility method and passing in a standard bloXroute Auth token, plus a bool to specify if gzip compression should be enabled for submitted blocks:

blockSubmissionChan, err := grpc.NewConnection("{{host}}", "{{your auth token}}", true)

This returns an error if there is an issue establishing a connection and a channel that accepts *grpc.BlockSubmissionRequest. You will want to store a reference to this channel somewhere that your builder will have access to during the block submission process.

If you don't want to use the provided connection method you can follow a guide online like this one and manage the connection yourself.

Submitting blocks

Currently relays accept blocks as either JSON or SSZ encoded bytes of spec.SubmitBlockRequest from this module, which means most builders are already generating this paylaod when submitting blocks today.

The provided utility function VersionedRequestToProtoRequest() accepts VersionedSubmitBlockRequest and returns *grpc.SubmitBlockRequest which can then be sent to the channel returned by grpc.NewConnection.

body := grpc.VersionedRequestToProtoRequest(blockSubmission)

// or


All together

import (
  grpc ""

// use of gzip compression is set to 'false' in this example
blockSubmissionChan, err := grpc.NewConnection("{{host}}", "{{your auth token}}", false)
if err != nil {


body := grpc.VersionedRequestToProtoRequest(blockSubmission)
