Currently a very WIP library being created slowly in my free time. Feel free to contribute but I don't have any clear direction on how I want this project to be structured so please be mindful of that. If you have any questions feel free to ask them.
- Zig Library
- C ABI Library from Zig
- All recent common fromsoft formats (excluding older titles. anything prior ds1-ptde)
Rough summary of using the library:
- Open file using it's path.
- Read all bytes from file.
- Pass file bytes to library and parse.
const std = @import("std");
// Import the library.
const soulib = @import("soulib");
pub fn main() !void {
// Define the allocator to use.
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = arena.allocator();
// Define the file to parse over.
const path = "path/to/dcx/file.dcx";
var file = std.fs.openFileAbsolute(
.{ .mode = .read_only },
) catch unreachable;
defer file.close();
// Read the bytes from the file.
const fileBytes = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, try file.getEndPos());
// Parse the file.
const dcx = try
// Use the parsed data.
std.debug.print("HEADER:\n Magic: {c}\n Compression Type: {c}\n Compressed size: {d}\n Decompressed size: {d}\nBODY:\n Length: {d}\n Summary: {x}", .{
Basic descriptions are provided below. Checkmarks show library progress on file type.
State | Format | Extension | Description |
❌ Incomplete | BHD5 | .bhd, .bhd5 | The header file for the large primary file archives used by most games |
❌ Incomplete | BND3 | .*bnd | A general-purpose file container used before DS2 |
❌ Incomplete | BTAB | .btab | Controls lightmap atlasing |
❌ Incomplete | BTL | .btl | Configures point light sources |
❌ Incomplete | BTPB | .btpb | Contains baked light probes for a map |
❌ Incomplete | BXF3 | .*bhd + .*bdt | Equivalent to BND3 but with a separate header and data file |
❌ Incomplete | CCM | .ccm | Determines font layout and texture mapping |
❌ Incomplete | CLM2 | .clm | A FLVER companion format that has something to do with cloth |
✏️ Working | DCX | .dcx | A simple wrapper for a single compressed file |
❌ Incomplete | DRB | .drb | Controls GUI layout and styling |
❌ Incomplete | EDD | .edd | An ESD companion format that gives friendly names for various elements |
❌ Incomplete | EMELD | .eld, .emeld | Stores friendly names for EMEVD events |
❌ Incomplete | EMEVD | .evd, .emevd | Event scripts |
❌ Incomplete | ENFL | .entryfilelist | Specifies assets to preload when going through a load screen |
❌ Incomplete | ESD | .esd | Defines a set of state machines used to control characters, menus, dialog, and/or map events |
❌ Incomplete | F2TR | .flver2tri | A FLVER companion format that links the vertices to the FaceGen system |
❌ Incomplete | FLVER | .flv, .flver | FromSoftware's standard 3D model format |
❌ Incomplete | FMG | .fmg | A collection of strings with corresponding IDs used for most game text |
❌ Incomplete | GPARAM | .fltparam, .gparam | A generic graphics configuration format |
❌ Incomplete | GRASS | .grass | Specifies meshes for grass to be dynamically placed on |
❌ Incomplete | LUAGNL | .luagnl | A list of global variable names for Lua scripts |
❌ Incomplete | LUAINFO | .luainfo | Information about AI goals for Lua scripts |
❌ Incomplete | MCG | .mcg | A high-level navigation format used in DeS and DS1 |
❌ Incomplete | MCP | .mcp | Another high-level navigation format used in DeS and DS1 |
❌ Incomplete | MSB | .msb | The main map format, listing all enemies, collisions, trigger volumes, etc |
❌ Incomplete | MTD | .mtd | Defines some material and shader properties; referenced by FLVER materials |
❌ Incomplete | NVM | .nvm | The navmesh format used in DeS and DS1 |
❌ Incomplete | PARAM | .param | A generic configuration format |
❌ Incomplete | PARAMDEF | .def, .paramdef | A companion format that specifies the format of data in a param |
❌ Incomplete | PARAMTDF | .tdf | A companion format that provides friendly names for enumerated types in params |
❌ Incomplete | RMB | .rmb | Controller rumble effects for all games |
❌ Incomplete | TPF | .tpf | A container for platform-specific texture data |
To run examples:
zig build read_dcx -Dtarget=x86_64-windows -- "E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/DARK SOULS REMASTERED/msg/ENGLISH/item.msgbnd.dcx"
The tests in the source look to a Dark Souls Remastered Directory. It should be alongside the build.zig and called "dsr".
- build.zig
- src/
- root.zig
- dcx.zig
- dsr/
- chr/
- msg/