I have a multilayer SpatRaster
with NA values. When I am trying to use superClass
with predict = T
and predType = "prob"
, it returns me following error
Error: [predict] the number of values returned by 'fun' (model predict function) does not match the input. Try na.rm=TRUE?
Here is a minimal, reproducible example
f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
elevation <- rast(f)
slope <- terrain(elevation, "slope")
aspect <- terrain(elevation, "aspect")
logo <- c(elevation, slope, aspect)
p <- read.table(text = "Longitude Latitude
49.60 6.00
49.65 6.10
49.70 6.15
49.75 6.20
49.80 6.25
49.85 6.27
49.87 5.80
49.90 5.83
50.00 5.85
50.05 5.90", header = T)
a <- p + 0.01
pb <- c(rep("Yes", nrow(p)), rep("No", nrow(a)))
pts <- cbind(pb, rbind(p, a))
sp.pts <- terra::vect(pts, geom=c("Latitude", "Longitude"), crs=crs(elevation))
v <- terra::extract(logo, sp.pts, xy = T, ID = F, bind=T)
## Fit classifier (splitting training into 70% training data, 30% validation data)
rf_mod <- superClass(logo, trainData = sf::st_as_sf(v),
responseCol = "pb",
model = "rf", tuneLength = 1, trainPartition = 0.7,
predict = T,
predType = "prob", #for class probabilities
mode = "classification",
kfold = 3, na.rm=TRUE)