Outfit Her is a way to create and share outfits. It’s a simple, single-page webapp that lets you search for items in the Zappos catalog, add them to a virtual paper doll, and then create a link to show your friends.
I submitted this app to the First Zappos Developer Contest and subsequently won it. I'm posting the code here in case anyone is interested in seeing it (although since the code is 90% jQuery you could've seen most of it with View Source).
For more information see this blog post.
Click here to view the app.
Most dependencies are outlined in the Gemfile. To install the required gems:
bundle install
The app runs on Sinatra and requires a Zappos API key
set as an environment variable. Start the app with the ZAPPOS_API_KEY
env variable like so:
ZAPPOS_API_KEY=abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12 ruby -rubygems application.rb
And you should be good to go!