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Client versus HubInstance Comparison

Sumio Kiyooka edited this page Nov 10, 2021 · 11 revisions

A comparison of the new Client class versus the legacy HubInstance class.

Topic Client HubInstance
History Designed from the ground up in 2020-21 to provide a more solid foundation for long-running scripts Developed organically since 2018
Files, and all the other blackduck/*.py files
Backwards Compatibility Client is not backwards compatible with HubInstance Yes
requests.session Uses a single underlying session. Connection pooling provides a significant performance benefit. No session used, new connection established every request
requests Encourages direct access to the underlying Requests library's session.get(), put(), post(), and delete() methods and passes along named parameters via **kwargs. Requires custom execute_get(), execute_put(), execute_post() and execute_delete() methods that do not allow **kwargs.
timeout Supported Not supported
retries Supported Not supported
proxies Supported Not supported
TLS certificate verification Set once, persisted Same
Bearer token Automatically renewed before expiry Expires after two hours; must re-instantiate HubInstance to renew
Base URL Set once and automatically prepended to every request User must include with every request
.restconfig.json Not supported; user to implement if desired Supported
Endpoint methods No endpoint specific methods are provided. Instead Client defines a core set of methods that generically apply across the entire REST API. See the Client API Reference. Over 150 methods for many endpoints e.g. get_projects(), create_project(), get_project_versions(), ... at least 70% of these methods are for basic CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations
Resources Discover and traverse _meta/links with list_resources() and get_resource() User to manually traverse
Pagination Consistently supported with get_resource(name, items=True) and get_items(url, page_size=250) and backed by a generator to progressively fetch User to implement
Media type headers Defaults headers provided {'accept': "application/json", 'content-type': "application/json"}, user to override Defaults provided, with many 'accept' / 'content-type' headers hard-coded for specific endpoint methods
Error handling get_json(url) consistently checks for HTTPErrors and JSONDecodeErrors Depends on specific endpoint method