Releases: bkader/Skada-MoP
Releases · bkader/Skada-MoP
- Small SV fix & cleaning
- Reduce dot concatenations
- Displays system cleaning & fixing
- New module: "Killing Blows"
- Killing Blows: cleaned & added options
- Themes: added apply to "All Windows"
- Windows option: delete all windows button
- Bar Display: "New Phase" & "New Segment" buttons
- Retail/Classic Wrath: Updated Libs & TOC
- Enemies: custom units for current set only (temp.)
- Functions.lua: refactoring & extra funcs.
- Enemies: grouped units independent from inst. diff
- Functions: big bitwise function calls reduction
- PvP: slightly better enemy spec detection
- Some checks & useless cleaning
- New module: "Casts" (Spellcast.lua)
- Added spells "Casts" where needed
- Renamed few submodes & cleaned locales
- ARGS_MT fixed & sped up by pre-caching other flags
- Moved stuff around & fixed others
- Added segment info to tooltip on segments list
- Fix classcolors metamethod
- Displays: small tweak
- EscapeStr: opt. plain text return (for reports)
- Class colored names in tooltips and title bars
- Potions: fix error & tweak mode name
- Resources: rename modes & titles
- Sunder Counter: remove useless checks
- Killing Blows: DestIsBoss instead of Skada.IsBoss
- Format_valuetext: reduce args
- Enemy Damage Taken: grouped boss/trash (total)
- ActorPrototype: add "GetTotal"
- Optimize Prototypes.lua
- Auras: backwards data compatibility
- CCTracker: backwards data compatibility
- Total bar one click down when possible
- Bar Display: fix clicks & add segment quick-delete
- Fix Skada.GetInstanceDiff
- Mists of Pandaria: fixed Boss detection
- Spellcast: use "spellnames" instead of "SpellInfo"
- Resume combat after reload (experimental)
- Tweaks and fixes
- Update Threat.lua & fixed LSM Sounds
- Allow comparison mode to function per window
- Small cleaning & update SpecializedLibBars-1.0.lua
- Displays: displayPrototype for common functions
- Init.lua: attempt to fix C Stack Overflow
- Update LibTranslit-1.0.lua
- Update LibFail-1.0.lua
- Add "guitToUnit" & allow empty mode flags.
- LibCompat-1.0: fix target units & add extra
- Fix old data CheckDuplicate func error
- Fix few ARGS_MT functions return
- Attempt to fix /report command
- Retail/Classic: Update TOC & Pets (realm's always added)
- UnitFullName instead of UnitName
- Spellcast: only track "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS"
- Pre-pot: fix checkbox disabling all callbacks
- Attempt to fix merge pet / remove realm name by default & fix cross-realm
- Init.lua: only format players names
- Spellnames/spellicons: fallback to unknown
- LibCompat: cache some roles while caching specs
- [Retail] fix potions not adding pre-pot
- [Legion] added few absorb spells
- Damage.lua: prevent lua error reported by Vary
- LibCompat: add player & pet to party/raid units
- Added "/skada cid" or "/skada target" commands
- Enemies: fixed custom unit diff check
- Properly cancel scheduled timers after being used
- [MoP/Retail] use Chat GPT for italian & loaded missing locales
- [Retail/Legion] added missing class/spec icons
- Fix bar text shadow (can be removed)
- Chat GPT to generate ptBR
- Update Threat.lua (all) & Potions.lua (Legion & Retail)
- Fixed "Reverse bar growth"
- Added option to swap title bar position
- [Legion, BfA, Shadowlands, Retail] add mode: "Other Resources"
- Set default font flags to "THICK"
- [Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, Shadowlands, Retail] Update Crowd Control Spells
- Player Info on icon MouseOver (role, spec & talents)
- Add spell icons to tooltips
- Fixed flags issue causing some pets to not be considered, wrongly attributed or added as separate units, hence better tracking of pets ownership.
- Fixed all encountered and reported typos.
- Fixed windows toggle behavior after using "/skada toggle" and while windows are set to show only in combat.
- Removed and cleaned all judged unused or useless code.
- Reduced function calls and optimized several others which should hopefully result in a slightly/noticeably reduced impact on performance.
- Added "ignored_creatures" table (Tables.lua) that allows players to ignore damage done to or taken from selected creatures.
- Enemy Damage Taken: added support for multiple fake units of the same creature, useful if you want to track different creature stages/phases for example.
- Added back "Absorbed Damage" module that can be found under the "Damage Done" category and that displays the list of players and their absorbed damage DONE.
- Fixed lua error when moving a window.
- Tweaked dps filter (credits: Ridepad)
- Sanity check for "FixPetsName" function.
- Fixed lua error triggered when saving a new segment while having set numbers enabled.
- Fixed tooltipas title showing wrong title (on modes list).