peak is a collection of portable C primitives to allow fast assembly and experimentation with task- and data-parallelism based on job pools. Different queues and other data-exchange mechansims between different threads are offered aside ways to group threads to mirror the platforms hardware at runtime.
peak target are games and other main loop based soft realtime apps.
Simplicity and making function execution context explicit are two of the prime guiding ideas behind peak. Another important decision is that constructs based on peak should make it possible to parallelize an application without direct access to the platforms raw threading fascilities. Apple's Grand Central Dispatch, Intel's Threading Building Blocks (TBB), Microsoft's parallel runtime, and OpenCL are inspirations for peak.
peak values throughput and exploitation of the platforms parallel potential higher than special-case peak performance on a specific platform.
peak depends on amp for low-level cross-platform thread support.
peak just started to aggregate in code - and it will change, transform, and grow before it is really usable.
You have got questions, burn to critisize me, or just want to say hello? I am looking forward to hear from you!
Bjoern Knafla
Bjoern Knafla Parallelization + AI + Gamedev Consulting
peak is free software. You may copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the license contained in the file COPYRIGHT.txt distributed with this package. This license is equal to the Simplified BSD License.
peak was developed to parallelize the Sandbox and as a foundation to experiment and research job pools for computer and video games. Joint ownership of the copyright belongs to
All trademarks copyrights belong to their respective trademark holders and copyright owners.
- Project start