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Android Sign

Step changelog

Signs your APK or Android App Bundle before uploading it to Google Play Store.


Once you have uploaded your keystore file and provided your keystore credentials on the Code Signing tab of the App Settings page, the Android Sign Step signs your APK digitally. Bitrise assigns Environment Variables to the uploaded file and credentials, and uses those in the respective fields of the Android Sign Step. Once the Step runs, it produces a signed APK or App Bundle which will be used as the input value of the App file path field in the Google Play Deploy Step.

Configuring the Step

  1. Add the Android Sign Step after a build Step in your deploy workflow.
  2. Upload the keystore file to the Upload file field on the Code Signing tab.
  3. Provide your keystore password, keystore alias and private key password to the relevant fields on the Code Signing tab.
  4. Run your build.


Make sure you have the Android Sign Step right after a build Steps but before Deploy to Google Play Step in your deploy workflow. If you wish to get your Android project signed automatically, use the Android Sign Step and do not set any gradle task for the signing, otherwise, the Step will fail.

Useful links

Related Steps

🧩 Get started

Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.

You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.


  1. Build an Android App Bundle:
    - MODULE: app
    - VARIANT: release
    # If the Android keystore is configured in the workflow editor, BITRISEIO_ANDROID_KEYSTORE* envs will be set automatically
    - activate-ssh-key:
        run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne ""}}'
    - git-clone: {}
    - install-missing-android-tools:
        - gradlew_path: $PROJECT_LOCATION/gradlew
    - android-build:
        - project_location: $PROJECT_LOCATION
        - module: $MODULE
        - variant: $VARIANT
        - build_type: aab
  1. Sign the App Bundle:
    - sign-apk:
        - use_apk_signer: false
  1. Deploy the signed App Bundle to Bitrise:
    - deploy-to-bitrise-io: {}

⚙️ Configuration

Key Description Flags Default
android_app Path(s) to the build artifact file to sign (.aab or .apk). You can provide multiple build artifact file paths separated by | character. Format examples: - /path/to/my/app.apk - /path/to/my/app1.apk|/path/to/my/app2.apk|/path/to/my/app3.apk - /path/to/my/app.aab - /path/to/my/app1.aab|/path/to/my/app2.apk|/path/to/my/app3.aab required $BITRISE_APK_PATH\n$BITRISE_AAB_PATH
keystore_url For remote keystores you can provide any download location (e.g. https://URL/TO/keystore.jks). For local keystores provide file path url. (e.g. file://PATH/TO/keystore.jks). required, sensitive $BITRISEIO_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_URL
keystore_password Matching password to keystore_url. Do not confuse this with key_password! required, sensitive $BITRISEIO_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
keystore_alias Alias of key inside keystore_url. required, sensitive $BITRISEIO_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS
private_key_password If key password equals to keystore password (not recommended), you can leave it empty. Otherwise specify the private key password. sensitive $BITRISEIO_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD
page_align If enabled, it tells zipalign to use memory page alignment for stored shared object files. - automatic: Enable page alignment for .so files, unless atribute extractNativeLibs="true" is set in the AndroidManifest.xml - true: Enable memory page alignment for .so files - false: Disable memory page alignment for .so files required automatic
signer_tool Indicates which tool should be used for signing the app. - automatic: Uses the apksigner tool to sign an APK and jarsigner tool to sign an AAB file. - apksigner: Uses the apksigner tool to sign the app. - jarsigner: Uses the jarsigner tool to sign the app. required automatic
signer_scheme If set, enforces which Signature Scheme should be used by the project. - automatic: The tool uses the values of --min-sdk-version and --max-sdk-version to decide when to apply this Signature Scheme. - v2: Sets --v2-signing-enabled true, and determines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v2. - v3: Sets --v3-signing-enabled true, and determines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v3. - v4: Sets --v4-signing-enabled true, and determines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v4. This scheme produces a signature in an separate file (apk-name.apk.idsig). If true and the APK is not signed, then a v2 or v3 signature is generated based on the values of --min-sdk-version and --max-sdk-version. required automatic
debuggable_permitted Whether to permit signing android:debuggable="true" APKs. Android disables some of its security protections for such apps. required true
output_name If empty, then the output name is app-release-bitrise-signed. Otherwise, it's the specified name. Do not add the file extension here.
verbose_log Enable verbose logging? required false
apk_path This input is deprecated and will be removed on 20 August 2019, use App file path input instead! Path(s) to the build artifact file to sign (.aab or .apk). You can provide multiple build artifact file paths separated by | character. Deprecated, use android_app instead. Format examples: - /path/to/my/app.apk - /path/to/my/app1.apk|/path/to/my/app2.apk|/path/to/my/app3.apk - /path/to/my/app.aab - /path/to/my/app1.aab|/path/to/my/app2.apk|/path/to/my/app3.aab
Environment Variable Description
BITRISE_SIGNED_APK_PATH This output will include the path of the signed APK. If the build generates more than one APK this output will contain the last one's path.
BITRISE_SIGNED_APK_PATH_LIST This output will include the paths of the generated APKs If multiple APKs are provided for signing the output paths are separated with | character, for example, app-armeabi-v7a-debug.apk|app-mips-debug.apk|app-x86-debug.apk
BITRISE_SIGNED_AAB_PATH This output will include the path of the signed AAB. If the build generates more than one AAB this output will contain the last one's path.
BITRISE_SIGNED_AAB_PATH_LIST This output will include the paths of the generated AABs. If multiple AABs are provided for signing the output paths are separated with | character, for example, app-armeabi-v7a-debug.aab|app-mips-debug.aab|app-x86-debug.aab
BITRISE_APK_PATH This output will include the path(s) of the signed APK(s). If multiple APKs are provided for signing the output paths are separated with | character, for example, app-armeabi-v7a-debug.apk|app-mips-debug.apk|app-x86-debug.apk
BITRISE_AAB_PATH This output will include the path(s) of the signed AAB(s). If multiple AABs are provided for signing the output paths are separated with | character, for example, app-armeabi-v7a-debug.aab|app-mips-debug.aab|app-x86-debug.aab

🙋 Contributing

We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.

For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.

Learn more about developing steps: