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Integration of the Bitmovin Web Player SDK with the Conviva Analytics


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Bitmovin Player Conviva Analytics Integration

This is an open-source project to enable the use of a third-party component (Conviva) with the Bitmovin Player Web SDK.

Maintenance and Update

This project is not part of a regular maintenance or update schedule and is updated once yearly to conform with the latest product versions. For additional update requests, please take a look at the guidance further below.

Contributions to this project

As an open-source project, we are pleased to accept any and all changes, updates and fixes from the community wishing to use this project. Please see for more details on how to contribute.

Reporting player bugs

If you come across a bug related to the player, please raise this through your support ticketing system.

Need more help?

Should you want some help updating this project (update, modify, fix or otherwise) and cant contribute for any reason, please raise your request to your bitmovin account team, who can discuss your request.

Support and SLA Disclaimer

As an open-source project and not a core product offering, any request, issue or query related to this project is excluded from any SLA and Support terms that a customer might have with either Bitmovin or another third-party service provider or Company contributing to this project. Any and all updates are purely at the contributor's discretion.

Thank you for your contributions!


**This version of the Conviva Analytics Integration works only with Player Version >= 8.31.x. The recommended and tested version of the Conviva SDK is 4.5.7. See for details.

Getting Started


Using NPM

Install the npm package:

npm i @bitmovin/player-integration-conviva --save-dev

Using custom build

Build the JS file by running npm run build


  1. Clone Git repository
  2. Install node.js
  3. Install required npm packages: npm install
  4. Run tasks:
  • npm run lint to lint TypeScript files as well as
  • npm run build to build project into dist directory
  • npm run start to open test page in browser, build and reload changed files automatically
  • npm run format to run prettier and auto-format all code files
  • npm run test to run tests


  1. Include conviva-core-sdk.min.js as first of all scripts in your HTML document

  2. Create an instance of ConvivaAnalytics before calling player.load(...) and pass in your Conviva CUSTOMER_KEY and optional configuration properties:

    1. Using NPM import:

      1. Import ConvivaAnalytics:

        import { ConvivaAnalytics } from '@bitmovin/player-integration-conviva';
      2. Usage

        const playerConfig = {
          key: 'YOUR-PLAYER-KEY',
          // ...
        const player = new Player(document.getElementById('player'), playerConfig);
        const conviva = new ConvivaAnalytics(player, 'CUSTOMER_KEY', {
          debugLoggingEnabled: true, // optional
          gatewayUrl: '', // optional, TOUCHSTONE_SERVICE_URL for testing
          deviceCategory: Conviva.Client.DeviceCategory.WEB, // optional, deprecated (Use deviceMetadata.category) (default: WEB)
          deviceMetadata: { // optional (default: let Conviva backend infer these fields from User Agent sring)
            category: Conviva.Client.DeviceCategory.WEB, // optional (default: WEB)
            brand: 'Device brand', // optional
            manufacturer: 'Device Manufacturer', // optional
            model: 'Device Model', // optional
            type: Conviva.Client.DeviceType.DESKTOP, // optional
            version: 'Device version', // optional
            osName: 'Operating system name', // optional
            osVersion: 'Operating system version' // optional
        var sourceConfig = {
          // ...
        player.load(sourceConfig).then(function() {
          console.log('player loaded');
        }, function(reason) {
          console.error('player setup failed', reason);
    2. Using custom Build:

      1. Include bitmovinplayer-analytics-conviva.js after conviva-core-sdk.min.js in your HTML document

      2. Usage

        var playerConfig = {
          key: 'YOUR-PLAYER-KEY',
          // ...
        var container = document.getElementById('player');
        var player = new bitmovin.player.Player(container, playerConfig);
        // A ConvivaAnalytics instance is always tied to one player instance
        var conviva = new, 'CUSTOMER_KEY', {
          debugLoggingEnabled: true, // optional
          gatewayUrl: '', // optional, TOUCHSTONE_SERVICE_URL for testing
          deviceCategory: Conviva.Client.DeviceCategory.WEB // optional, (default: WEB)
        var sourceConfig = {
          // ...
        player.load(sourceConfig).then(function() {
          console.log('player loaded');
        }, function(reason) {
          console.error('player setup failed', reason);
  3. Release the instance by calling conviva.release() before destroying the player by calling player.destroy()

Advanced Usage

VPF tracking

If you would like to track custom VPF (Video Playback Failures) events when no actual player error happens (e.g. the server closes the connection and return net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE or after a certain time of stalling) you can use following API to track those deficiencies.

conviva.reportPlaybackDeficiency('Some Error Message', Conviva.Client.ErrorSeverity.FATAL);

See ConvivaAnalytics.ts for parameter details.

Conviva suggests an timeout of about ~10 seconds and before reporting an error to conviva and providing feedback the user.

Content Metadata handling

If you want to override some content metadata attributes you can do so by adding the following:

let metadataOverrides = {
  applicationName: 'App Name',
  viewerId: 'uniqueViewerId',
  custom: {
    customTag: 'customValue',
  // Find the list here
  // under "Constants for Pre-defined Video and Content Metadata"
  additionalStandardTags: {
    '': 'Test Channel',
    '': 'Test Brand',
  encodedFrameRate: 24,
  // … 

// …
// Initialize ConvivaAnalytics
// …


Those values will be cleaned up after the session is closed.

See ConvivaAnalytics.ts for details about more attributes.

Consecutive playback

If you want to use the same player instance for multiple playback, just load a new source with player.load(…). The integration will close the active session.


External VST tracking

If your app needs additional setup steps which should be included in VST tracking, such as DRM token generation, before the Player instance can be initialized, the ConvivaAnalytics can be initialized without a Player instance. Once the Player instance is created it can be attached.

  1. Create the ConvivaAnalytics instance with your customerKey and configuration.
const convivaAnalytics = new ConvivaAnalytics(undefined, customerKey);
  1. Conviva requires that the assetName is set at session initialization. Therefore ensure that you provide using the metadata overrides before initializing the tracking session.
  assetName: 'Your Asset Name',

// Initialize tracking session
  1. Once your Player instance is ready attach it to the ConvivaAnalytics instance.
// ... Additional setup steps

const player = new bitmovin.player.Player(document.getElementById('player'), getPlayerConfig());