The documentation is generated in Python (both 2 and 3 version are tested by Travis CI).
Before starting, execute the following commands:
- 1 - Use pip to install the following Python packages:
$ pip install sphinx pygments sphinxcontrib-inlinesyntaxhighlight
- 2 - Install Lexers:
$ make install-lexer
$ make install-lexer-balzac
- 1 - Build your own documentation:
$ make build-doc
- 2 - Start a local web server:
$ make server
Browse to localhost:8000 to check your documentation.
make build-doc # build the documentation
make build-doc-warning # build the documentation and fail if there are warnings
make clean-doc # clean the documentation
make install-lexer # install the lexer for pygments
make remove-lexer # remove the lexer from pygments
make full-clean # clean the documentation and remove the lexers
make full-build # build the documentation and install the lexers
make server # start a local server at port 8000 to view the docs
make server2 # start a local server at port 8000 to view the docs
make loop # compile the docs every time a file changes