NDI Studio Clock [FREE]
NDI Studio Clock outputs a controllable studio clock as an NDI source.
Analog clock
Digital clock
Countdown to specific events
NDI Studio Clock requires .NET Runtime 4
2020-07-04, 1.3: Added option to remove clock handles, added web-control, added HTTP API
2020-04-02, 1.2: Upgraded to NDI 4.5.1, added support for transparent background, added support for Logo-display
2020-01-03, 1.1: Added support for clock types, more formats and included NDI Runtime in installation
2019-12-20, 1.0: Initial release to public
Studio Clock API
GET /api/getstates
Return current state of all pins
GET /api/onair/[true/false]
Set onair, value should be true or false
GET /api/enablecountdown/[true/false]
Set enable countdown, value should be true or false
GET /api/autoonair/[true/false]
Set auto onair, value should be true or false
GET /api/12hclock/[true/false]
Set 12H clock enabled, value should be true or false
GET /api/transparent/[true/false]
Set transparent background, value should be true or false
GET /api/showclockhands/[true/false]
Set show clock hands enabled, value should be true or false
POST /api/countdowntext
Set the countdown text, value of post-request is the text
POST /api/countdowntime
Set the countdown time, value of post-request is the time in format hh:mm:ss (24h format)
Studio clock is free Software from Lofas AB,