Intermediate R course: Introduction to data wrangling with the tidyverse
The so-called tidyverse set of packages is widely used in the R community for powerful and efficient data reading, tidying, manipulation and visualization. It is one of the most popular and up-to-date set of tools for data analysis and data science using the R language.
All tidyverse packages share a common vocabulary/grammar that makes code more intuitive and easier to read that the base R.
This 8-hour training aims at introducing some of the tidyverse packages for data wrangling and manipulation: dplyr, tidyr, stringr and readr.
This is an intermediate course.
Familiarity with R scripting is required: syntax, installation of packages, objects manipulation, data import/export.
- Dates: April 19th and 21rst, 2021.
- Time: 9:30-13:30.
- Location: online via the Zoom platform.
- Data import & export:
- read_csv
- tibbles characteristics
- tidy data definition
- tidyr:
- separate & unite
- count
- pivot (long and wide formats): pivot_longer, pivot_wider
- complete (missing values)
- "forward-pipe": %>% from the magrittr package
- stringr:
- str_remove
- str_length
- str_c (paste)
- str_sub
- dplyr:
- mutate, mutate_at, transmute
- select, select_if
- filter
- summarise, group_by
- arrange
- "join" functions